fan mix: The Good Ol' Days [Percy/Annabeth]

Dec 25, 2011 19:32

Title: The Good Ol' Days
What: Fanmix
Creator: rialovescake
Made For: arysani
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Percy/Annabeth
Warnings/Spoilers: All books; up to and including Son of Neptune
Notes: Happy Holidays! I used your prompt "You ever think about the good ol' days?"/"Yeah sure, now they seem like the good ol' days, but back then it was hell." for this fanmix. I focused on (at least one) song fitting to each book, including a bonus track that I took to be their future. I hope you like it! I was going to include a litttle fanfic snip-it fitting to each song, but I'm rubbish with fics so instead I explained why I picked each song, along with a graphic to go with it.

click here to download the fanmix (songs + graphics)

the lightning thief |
// “So if the gods fight,” I said, “will things line up the way they did with the Trojan War? Will it be Athena versus Poseidon?” // She put her head against the backpack Ares had given her and closed her eyes. // “I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll fight next to you.” // “Why?” // “Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?" //

+ At the Beginning : why i chose this song? It represents the beginning of the Percy/Annabeth relationship, when Percy comes to camp and Annabeth isn't exactly happy who he ends up being. But it shows their progression that by the end of the novel, after their quest, they are friends who can count on and trust each other.

I'll be there
  When the world stops turning
  I'll be there
  When the storm is through
  In the end I wanna be standing
  At the beginning with you
  We were strangers
  On a crazy adventure
  Never dreaming
  How our dreams would come true
  Now here we stand
  Unafraid of the future
  At the beginning with you

+ Two is Better Than One : why i chose this song? This is suppose to show Annabeth's feelings during the first book. How she initially does not like Percy because their parents are rivals. And how she has a hard time trusting people, it's about her opening her heart up and to stop being afraid. (alternatively this song could also describe some of their feelings they struggle with in Titan's Curse and Battle of the Labyrinth.)

I remember what you wore on the first day
  You came into my life
  And I thought hey
  You know this could be something
  In the end I wanna be standing
  I remember every look upon your face
  The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
  You make it hard for breathing
  'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
  I think of you and everything's ok
the sea of monsters |
// She started to sob- I mean horrible, heartbroken sobbing. She put her head on my should and I held her. // "I'll get us back to the ship," I told her. // "It's ok. Just hang on." //

+ Under My Skin : why i chose this song? The lyrics are about Annabeth's decision to face the siren's song and the trust she has in Percy that he will save her. About her finally breaking down and allowing him to see her at this vulnerable time.

Under my skin
  Under these scars
  Take me away
  Tear me apart
  Cause I wanna see
  Everything you are
  Take away everything
  Burn away all of me
  As I break I believe
  You will come to rescue
the titan's curse |
// The music was playing. // People were dancing in the streets. // I said "I, uh, was thinking we got interrupted at Westover Hall. And...I think I owe you a dance." // She smiled slowly. // "All right, Seaweed Brain." // So I took her hand, and I don't know what everybody else heard, but to me it sounded like a slow dance: a little sad, but maybe a little hopeful, too. //

+ You Found Me : why i chose this song? It's about Percy going (against the rules of the camp) to find Annabeth. This is the first book that you can spy traces of their relationship in the pages, the hint that something bigger is coming but it's not an easy road. And where you think that something will happen, the curve ball Athena throws at the end by not approving of Percy complicates matters even more and this songs speaks to me on that level for them.

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
  Lying on the floor surrounded, surrounded
  Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
  Just a little late, you found me, you found me
  But in the end, everyone ends up alone
  Losing her, the only who who's ever known
  Who I am, who I'm not, and who I wanna be
  Now way to know how long she will be next to me
the battle of the labyrinth |
// Annabeth and I pretty much skirted around each other. I was glad to be with her, but it also kind of hurt, and it hurt when I wasn't with her, too. //

+ Be Still (My Heart) : why i chose this song? This song is showing Percy during his time on the island of Calypso and how he's thinking about Annabeth. How after he leaves the island, and sees how heartbroken that she is, he realizes that he's made a few mistakes and he wants to make up for them; trying to come to terms with his feelings.

I want you to know
  I have fallen on my own
  I have failed to be
  All the things you need
  I want you to see
  I'll get back eventually
  There's just someone I've forgotten to be
  So be still my heart
  I want you to know
  I'm coming home again
  One of these days
  Be still my heart

+ On Fire : why i chose this song? This one is suppose to be a little angsty, a little unsure, about the kind of limbo their relationship is in at the end of the book. How they can't make up their mind, their feelings are conflicted; the relationship is bringing the good and the bad when they are together. And the choices they need to make to turn it around.

Give me one more time around
  Give me one more chance to see
  Give me everything you are
  Give me one more chance to be...(near you)
  Cause everything inside me looks like
  Everything I hate
  You are the hope I have for change
  You are the only chance I'll take
the last olympian |
// “She look at me, like she was drinking in the fact that I was still here. // And I realized I was doing the same thing. // The world was collapsing, and the only think that really mattered to me was that she was alive.//

+ Way Out : why i chose this song? The song shows Percy's feelings after the events of the previous two books, along with his feelings after kissing Rachel, how we wants to move on to something more with Annabeth. That they need to let the past be just that and look to the future, especially cause he's not sure he'll make it out of the war alive. He wants to find a way to survive and make it work.

I promise I'm being honest I can turn this all around
  If I can find a way out, way out
  If I can just make it out alive
  I'll make the best of it, the best of it
  Wish I could see what I left behind
  Can we try to forget
  Just let the past just breathe regret
  Can we try to forget
  Can we make it until the end

+ Love Remains the Same : why i chose this song? This is just the perfect song to finalize their relationship. They've gone to hell (literary!) and back, faced so much problems (demi-god related and not) but in the end it's just love. They love each other and by the end of the book their relationship comes full circle. This is about building something that is permanent(forever) between them. And the time when they finally both admit their feelings to one another.

Half the time the world is ending
  Truth is I am done pretending
  Too much time, too long defending
  You and I are done pretending
  In the end I wanna be standing
  I never thought that I had anymore to give
  Pushing me so far
  Here I am without you
  Drink to all that we have lost
  Mistakes that we have made
  Everything will change
  But love remains the same
the lost hero |
// "How long have you been searching for your boyfriend?" // "Three days, six hours, and about twelve minutes.." //

+ The Lights and the Buzz : why i chose this song? I imagined this song with Annabeth going to California to be with her family for Christmas. But Percy is still missing, and she's going crazy with it. Nothing feels right anymore. And in ways it also works for Percy because he is also in California, and he just knows that something is off, he's lost in this world.

I'm coming home from my hardest year
  I'm making plans not to make plans while I'm here
  And this life has been no holiday, a complicated situation
  I'm fine with all my memories
  Still I could use a vacation
  I'm coming home to the lights and the buzz
  Street's look the same, still nothing's as it was
  This place is paradise I'm sure, here's my reservation
  I've gotten lost here once before
  Inside a good vibration
the son of neptune |
// Also, he was reluctant to share his one clear memory: Annabeth's face, her blonde hair and gray eyes, the way she laughed, threw her arms around him, and gave him a kiss whenever he did something stupid. // She must have kissed me a lot, Percy thought. // He feared if he spoke about that memory to anyone, it would evaporate like a dream. // He couldn't risk that. //

+ Fall for You : why i chose this song? This song originally fit because before I knew what happened in SoN, I had all these ideas of Percy not remembering Annabeth and having to re-remember everything, even though he can't imagine how he'd ever forget her. Well the book sort of changed that scenario, but I still see Percy having these memories come back to him one at a time. I mean he remembers who she is, but not necessarily everything about them together. So that's kind of what I was thinking. And then on their first (new) meeting Percy falls in love with her all over again.

But hold your breathe
  Cause tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
  Over again
  Don't make me change my mind
  Or I won't live to see another day
  I swear it's true
  Because a girl like you is impossible to find
  Your impossible to find
  This is not what I intended
  I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
  You always thought that I was stronger
  I may have failed
  But I have loved you from the start
the future |

+ Anywhere But Here : why i chose this song? How i imagined this in my head was Percy thinking back on the past, all the times they shared together, before they are going to embark on an even bigger journey ie they are going to be married. He's thinking of all the "good" times, and how he wouldn't want anyone else to share them with.

Beautiful inside
  So lovely and I
  Can't see why I'd do anything with you, you are
  And when I'm not with you
  I know that it's true
  That I'd rather be anywhere but here without you
  Is this a natural feeling
  Or is it just me bleeding
  All my thoughts and dreams
  In hope that you will be with me or
  Is this a moment to remember
  Or just a cold day in december?
  I wonder
  If maybe
  Maybe I could be
  All you ever dreamed, cause you are

note: I hope you're ok with the castings I used on the graphcis. The screencaps from Bridget to Terabithia are just too perfect not to use. And AnnaSophia Robb has always been my fancast for Annabeth. Plus there really aren't any pictures of Alex when she is younger that would fit for the earlier books, and they don't have a ton of good screencaps from the movie either, so I instead decided on using her and Logan for the fanmix art and the future one.

pairing: percy/annabeth, - graphics, - fanmix

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