PJO Holiday Exchange 2011 Sign-ups!

Oct 15, 2011 16:59

Welcome to the 2011 PJO Holiday Fandom Exchange!
Time to bring some holiday cheer to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians fandom. pjo_xchange is Secret Santa fanworks exchange - fic, art, icons, fanmixes, and fanvids will all be accepted. The rules are simple: you sign up, get an assignment, post, and then get something in return! The fanworks do not have to be holiday themed, but feel free to go that way if you want to! The point is to have fun and share the joy of the holidays.

The rules are pretty much the same as last year, so if you've done it before, you know what's going on! If you're new to the game, check it out below the cut.

♦ All pairings, genres, and ratings will be accepted. However, please be mindful of what your requester wants and does not want to see in a fic or piece of art.
♦ If you do not feel comfortable filling a request, please contact the mod at pjoholiday@gmail.com. We will either ask your recipient for a new prompt or someone to switch with you.
♦ If you can no longer participate, please inform the mods ASAP so a replacement can be found.
♦ Please specify what you would be willing to create and/or receive to give your recipient several options.
♦ The minimum fic length is 750 words; there is no maximum. Betaing is not required, but is strongly encouraged. If you don't want to write/draw/create, please feel free to sign up for betaing services.
♦ Art includes drawings, icons, banners, wallpapers, etc. Minimum artwork size is 400x400 pixels. There must be a minimum 10 icons submitted.
♦ Fanmixes with artwork and fanvids will also be accepted.

October 15: Signs-up begin
November 1: Sign-ups end
November 5-6: Assignments handed out
December 20: Assignments due
December 25: Submissions posting begins
January 3: Submissions posting ends

Sign-up form

What you can make:
What genres/ships/characters will you absolutely not write:
Rating limit:

What you would like to receive (fic, art, fanmix, etc):
Things you would like to receive (ships, genres, kinks, etc):
Things you don't want to receive (ships, genres, kinks, etc):
Spoiler limit:

Prompt 1:
Prompt 2:
Prompt 3:

Example Form
Name: Jessica
Email: myemail @ website dot com

What you can make: Fics, icons, fanmixes
What genres/ships/characters will you absolutely not write: Dark!fic
Rating limit: Up to NC-17

What you would like to receive: Anything
Rating: Up to NC-17
Things you would like to see (ships, genres, kinks, etc): Percy/Annabeth, Thalia/Luke, romance, fluff
Things you don't want to see (ships, genres, kinks, etc): non-con, dark themes, no Annabeth bashing
Spoiler limit: The Lost Hero

Prompt 1: the love you lose
Prompt 2: slipping, running, crawling
Prompt 3: "It is tedious to tell again tales already plainly told."

Comments are screened. You will receive the above form when assignments are handed out.

If you have any questions, please email the mods at pjoholiday@gmail.com.

Feel free to promote this on your f-lists and comms. The more who participate, the merrier!


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