Anatomy in Black and White Chapter 3 of 3

Feb 16, 2012 20:05

Title: Anatomy in Black and White
Chapter: 3 of 3
Verse: AU, G1 Humanized
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Twins, Ratchet, Bluestreak and many others
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or Gray's Anatomy.
Rating: M (just to be sure)
Summary: What if instead of warriors the TF characters were doctors?
AN: This is 3 of 3 chapters. The first Arc of the story is now complete. From now on chapters featuring this story will be one - shots. I've written a couple of them. But when I've posted them all I'm going to ask the readers is there anything specific they would want to see. The upcoming one shots will familiarize you with the characters even more and meet new ones as well ^^

Previous Chapters: One, Two

***"Where the hell is that idiotic son on of a b-----?!" A voice roared in the hallways of the hospital, startling some of the passing people. "Am I not speaking fucking english here? Does that immature FOOL wants to die again? Because this time I'm not gonna lift a finger to save him! So where the fuck IS HE?"

Prowl face palmed and resisted the urge to scream in frustration as Richards rants became even more vulgar. Fortunately, some interns went to calm him down before he traumatized the patients in the ICU. But Ratchet always had a reason when he screamed like that.

Prowl quickened his step as best as he could without aggravating his back injuries. His burns were healing nicely. After two weeks of care he was finally was able to return to work. Only his work was mostly reports and fewer surgeries. He was lucky. As was Bobby (or Bluestreak as most people were calling him now).

The boy was now in the hands of child services. The neuro surgeon doubted that he'll ever get adopted due to his age and all of his relatives were gone... He couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going through. That was one of the reasons he resolved to visit him as often as he could.

He survived the explosion with severe body burns. After they heal completely only scarring will be left. According to Jazz, the scarring on his back will look exactly like a pair of angel wings. How ironic...

Speaking of Jazz...said cardio surgeon was the reason Ratchet was in hysterics. He was not supposed to leave his berth. Again. Not after his extensive brain surgery...Prowl could still picture the scans of Jazz's cranium in his mind perfectly. Come to think of it... Jazz was the truly lucky one. He had a massive brain hemorrhage. They weren't able to see that coming due to the adrenalin pumping in his veins at that time. But when Jazz calmed down in the room with Prowl, his body was finally able to feel the full extent of his injuries.

Prowl wasn't able to operate on him. No matter how much he insisted on it. Hell, he was prepared to stand in that OR and endure the pain just so he could save his... now 'more then best friend'. The one who operated on Jazz was his subordinate - a doctor named Terry Novac, helpfully dubbed as Trailbraker by Jazz. It was intense, to say the least - those four hours during the surgery were the longest in Prowls life. Ratchet was sympathetic enough to let him with his wheelchair in the gallery, so he could at least observe the surgery (unfortunately, he interrupted Trailbraker almost every step of the way, questioning this and that until Ratchet disabled the intercom system in the gallery).

When Jazz was finally out of the OR Prowl didn't leave his side. He was glued to the man as if fearing he would disappear. They both healed slowly. Jazz woke up three day's later. They were very concerned about brain damage. Prowl held his breath as Jazz slowly opened his eyes and then resisted the urge to smack him on the head when the dark skinned man simply said " 'sup?"

Then, day by day, both of them got stronger. Prowl was first released from the hospital. Orion insisted that Prowl should take some time off, but he wasn't surprised when the head of neuro rejected that offer. Jazz had to stay hospitalized some more since his injuries were more extensive.

Jazz joked how weird it was for him being Prowls patient (well, technically he wasn't - it was against regulations, too much feelings were involved. But no one dared to do anything medically related on Jazz without Prowls consent first. Jazz was beyond flattered - not that he will ever admit it. )

Unfortunately, as Jazz got stronger (no longer did he sleep most of the time) he got bored. And Jazz plus bored didn't bod well. So he started sneaking out of his room. The first time he did that nearly gave Prowl a heart attack. They found him in the cafeteria talking with Bluestreak, who often came to visit them. That was the first time the staff heard Prowl yelling at Jazz like that.

The incident had in a way opened their eyes. Once Jazz was lucid enough, he confronted Prowl right away. Clearly their feeling have grown in to something else.

Prowl always knew what he was, even in high school. He's mother accepted it, but not his father. He wasn't sure if Jazz was comfortable with this since he had never been with... a man before. It was an awkward talk for Prowl, but Jazz was determined that they will make it work.

"I didn't come back from the dead to waste my second chance Peter." Jazz looked at Prowl who chuckled darkly.

"Figures it would take nearly dieing for us to see this."

It was then that they decided to engage this relationship slowly. There was too much at stake for them to mess this up. But Jazz was confident. If Jazz believed so strongly in them so will Prowl. It was that night that for the first time Prowl climbed on Jazz's berth and held him close, as the two dosed off. It was one of the best rests he had ever had.

Prowl spent most of his nights in Jazz's berth, simply holding the other close, but now he was back to work so he had to go home the last couple of nights. But every morning his first priority was to check on Jazz. Unfortunately, Jazz was nowhere in sight today.

The clicking sound and opening of doors alerted Prowl to his surrounding. He exited the the elevator and walked on the roof. There stood Jazz. Only Prowl knew that Jazz liked to come up here when he seeked solitude.

"Richard is about to have a nervous break down because of you." Prowl stated coolly as he approached the other male, who was was in a track suit. Jazz didn't really like the night gowns.

"Yeah I know. Can ya believe it? I even herd him up here!" Jazz grinned and turned to look at his...partner, lover, boyfriend?

Prowl regarded him, eying the bandage that still lingered on the smaller man's head. "Unfortunately, yes. He was quite vocal."

Jazz chuckled but Prowl frowned. "You know it was unwise to do that."


"Sneaking off like that. A lot of people were worried." Him included.

"...I see." Prowl opened his mouth to say something but really didn't know what. He simply reached for Jazz's right hand (it didn't have IV's on it) as gently squeezed.

"He didn't call, did he?" Prowl quietly asked and observed how Jazz's featured hardened.

"Just mum. But she's way to busy to visit" Jazz replied while looking at the city but he wasn't wearing his glasses, so most of the scenery was smudged.

"I'm sorry." Prowl quietly added.

"Naw, it's fine. M'not not surprised." Jazz looked at Prowl, "Did ya speak with yer parents?"

Prowl went closer to Jazz, so that their shoulders touched. "I didn't tell them."

"They at least deserve the right to know Prowler."

"Yes, you told yours and look what happened? Nothing." Prowl winced when he realized what he said.

"Jazz, I'm sorry-"

"Naw, it's fine. You're right. It's the truth after all." The truth that Jazz's father didn't show any concern regarding his own son. He was too busy with his newest honey moon. Jazz's mother, his fathers first wife, was a wealthy business CO and was too busy to attend and visit Jazz. The afro american wasn't surprised. He expected this. Yet the feeling of disappointment lingered in the air.

Prowl on the other hand refused to call his parents. There was no reason to do so. His mother wont be able to visit even if she wanted to. His father won't allow it. And his father had literally disowned him when Prowl confessed his sexuality to them.

"Parents suck." Jazz muttered.

"Well, not every one."

"Meh." He dismissed the thought.

"Come on." Prowl gently started to tug him towards the elevator. "Lets not shorten Ratchets life span anymore."

Another week past. Jazz was finally able to escape his 'prison' as he licked to call it. But...he didn't go to his apartment. Prowl had insisted on Jazz staying with him during the rest of his recovery. He logically stated that him, as a neurologist, would be beneficial for Jazz to stay with him. Temporarily of course; purely for medical purposes.

Jazz laughed for 20 min non stop after hearing that.

When they entered they apartment the twins greeted him. When Prowl was still in the hospital, Alexander and Simon were looking after the apartment that was quite big. Prowl is a wealthy surgeon (as well as Jazz).

"Whoa, Jazz!" Sideswipe exclaimed, "What's with the...uh, what is that?"

Jazz lifted his chin up and posed, "Oh ya like? It's my visor. Prowler here wants me to wear it when I'm not working. My optic nerve got slightly damaged so this helps me beside my glasses." It was true. The visor was nothing special, really. It just didn't allow UV light to agitate Jazz's eyes. He can be without it, it was just easier on his eyes that way.

"Looks cool man!" Sides exclaimed and got smacked by his brother.

"What was that for?"

"For being an idiot. You read about visors like that that a couple of days ago moron."

Jazz simply laughed at their antics while Prowl shock his head, a look of fondness never leaving his eyes. Later that night, Jazz helped Prowl with his burns. Prowl took off his shirt and Jazz gently started to apply a special gel on the wounds.


"M'sorry. Was it too hard?" Jazz stopped what he was doing.

"No, no... it was weird." Prowl smiled reassuringly, "It's very sensitive to touch."

After that was done they had a friendly berate - Prowl insisted on Jazz going to bed but the cardio surgeon wasn't up to it. In the end Prowl won with Jazz's head in his lap as he rubbed circles on Jazz's forehead, soothing him. Jazz was out like a light. That was the first night they slept in a real bed together, as couple.

Jazz slept like a baby. Unfortunately he got awakened by some kind of a noise.


"W-what the f-"

*thud* *crash*

"You get used to it." Jazz lifted his head from the pillows and looked at Prowl who was leaning on the door frame.

*thud * *thud *

"Are they fighting?" He asked, disbelieving as the noise was coming from upstairs.

"I thought so too, not long after they moved to live up there." Prowl went to sit next to Jazz. "But don't worry. They are just wrestling."

And as if to prove that a loud crashing sound could be herd from upstairs.

"Should we be worried?" Jazz joked knowing that if Prowl wasn't concerned there really wasn't anything to worry about.

"Like I said, you get used to it." It took Prowl a couple of months to 'get used to it'. Every morning in those moths he went to check to see if they killed each other. Luckily, they didn't.

*thud *

"It's way to early for this." Jazz grumbled and buried himself in the covers, leaving Prowl to smile fondly at him.

*crash *

Time passed, winter came. Jazz was healed, so was Prowl. They still lived together. Jazz barely went to his apartment. Now the only place he called 'home' was Prowls place. Bluestreak often would visit. They insisted on seeing the teen. It was hard for him to cope but he was better. He would laugh at Jazz's jokes and had started to idolize Prowl. Unfortunately for the neuro surgeon, Bobby was quite the good buds with the twins as well.

Yes, the pair had gotten used the weird family they have created. Coming back from work and finding one twin tided up while the other was watching TV became something normal. Their touches became more bolder as well. Their relationship wasn't a secret, but they weren't openly showing affection. They did the only in the company of the twins and Bluestreak. The fact that the kids where comfortable with them being an item encouraged them even more. They still haven't "done it". Prowl was insecure and this would be Jazz's first time with some one of the same sex, so he didn't want to frighten him. But when the time came, they will. For now, they were content as they were. They were indeed, very happy.

"Prowl! Get back to your berth! We don't need you collapsing as well!" Ratchet roared, personnel running around him.

"He was fine! We were talking and then-" Prowl was beside himself with worry. It's as if some one had a hold of his heart and was squeezing it agonizingly tight.

"We've got the scans!" Some one shouted and before Prowl realized what he did, the scans were in his hands, brain working overtime to read them.

"Jesus Christ..." He muttered as he looked at the missive bleed his best friend had. He worriedly glanced at the limp figure on the berth and didn't even feel when Ratchet snatched the scans from him, letting out a plethora of curses.

A piercing sound made every medical personnel look at the monitor.

Flat line.

Prowl woke up, sweat covering his face. He looked around in the dim lighting. According to his clock, it was 04:36 AM. He breathed a couple of times to calm himself and looked at the figure beside him. Jazz was deeply asleep - he had returned only a couple of hours ago from an emergency surgery his patient required.

Prowl lied back down and brought the smaller male closer to him, clutching him hard enough to convince himself that he was still there, but not hard enough to awake him. With a content sigh he fell asleep again.

This was all they needed. They were happy. They had a life. Together. With great friends at the hospital and unofficially adopted three kids (they consider Sideswipe and Sunstreaker as children as well - it was hard not to). Prowl couldn't remember the last time he was so happy and content with his life. They don't need their parents. They have achieved all of this on their own.

They are happy. And Prowl was sure that from now on a bright future awaited them, as their relationship continued to bloom.


prowlxjazz, au, story : tf anatomy, tf-human, transformers

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