Damn, now I have to post and I haven't in a long time so I have all this backlogged crap that I have to sort through while I'm posting. Well I didn't post last week cause of my trip to Springfield, which was actually more fun than I thought. The other Americorps members are really cool, but since we all work in different areas of Illinois we only
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Dang you! You semi-spoiled Survivor for me because I read this right when I got home from work and before Survivor aired on the West Coast. Stupid black lady!
I certainly recognize the fact that I am in an awesome situation co-worker wise (as I noted in my first post about work). In addition to the girl I mentioned, I also talk to this other cute 24 year old girl (has a serious boyfriend) multiple times a day, I hang around/goof off with this 28 year old guy for like 30 minutes a day, and I eat lunch with these two other fresh out of college guys. And those 5 are just my good friends. There are also like 5 other twenty-somethings that I talk to frequently. I can only wish for the same type of situation for all of my friends.
Referencing my post in your journal does make up for not commenting in mine!
Also, quit stealing my post material! I am just kidding, I LOVED your naked man story. Oh man, I laughed out loud for a good fifteen seconds as I first anticipated the outcome and then as you went on to describe it so succinctly and hilariously: "naked old man flesh slapping together." HAHA!
I am glad to hear that you have a backup in grad school at Georgetown just in case, but I am defintiely rooting for you to get into Med School. You better inform all of us when you hear some good news!
Nice work breaking the 160 barrier. You may have cursed me into having my own 180 lb barrier, as I have been hovering/losing weight this week. Hopefully it is just due to the weeklong illness I have had, but if I don't pass 180 by the end of next week, I am definitely blaming you!
I better not have to post an insanely long and drawn out story each week just to get you to post! I expect every Monday regularity from you (if not more, which is preferable). Don't disappoint me.
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