Five Things on a Friday

May 02, 2008 13:06

Here we are again - end of the week. But, actually, for me, we have a packed weekend, so the week is nowhere near over.

Here goes. Five things about me week thus far.

1) I did not get everything done on my Monday list. I did submit the critique piece, but as it stands right now, no way will I be through an initial revision of NOTW. No way. I'm happy to say the manuscript looks very little like the original version. I did not get the phones yet - though it will still happen this weekend. And haven't bought the books yet either! Ack! What have I done.

2) OK, you know how it is. You're cleaning up around the house. You want it presentable for a boy 7-year-old birthday. So when you go to clean up the dining room table and remove the pink (not boy appropriate) tablecloth, you start digging around trying to figure out what table cloth to use. And then creativity (or something) takes over because you start pulling out every random cool piece of batik you have, and within an hour and a half, you end up with this.

3) My editor dropped an entire box of ARCs for The Emerald Tablet off this week. Photo not included as the box has been shoved in a closet in preparation for the party. But wait - party favors? Sigh. Which reminds me I need goodie bags. Can I get away with no goodie bags? Please?

4) Our Austin SCBWI conference was last Saturday. It turned out to be a sold-out event. Way cool, and it's so nice to get away for a day focused on writing.

5) Also on Saturday, we had three (count them - three) social invitations, all at 4 o'clock or after. Really, this is unusual. Life is busy, but it's so nice to know we have friends!

Hope everyone has a happy, fun weekend. And if you need a break from writing, sew something.

On a side note, King Tort is starting to like me/us. He hid in his hidey-hole for the first three days and hardly ate a thing. I called the pet store, and they said he was just adjusting. Now he's eating and doesn't even hide his head when I look at him.
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