Nov 22, 2004 11:47
I often think the rest of the world has gone mad. This is quite a normal state of affairs for me. There is one particular cause that I think really needs promoting, the cause of real women. I’m not saying real big women who are over there healthy weight. I think being to fat can ruin your health, but being just right with a certain amount of fat on you is healthy.
Fashion and show business are filled with a tiny unrepresentative sample of thin women and thin women with artificial breasts. This is absolutely absurd as the real world is full of much more variety of shapes and sizes and better, more beautiful real women. Women who have hips and thighs and feminine curves no matter how the dress is cut. Let me get this quite clear, I am not talking just about breasts, although I have nothing against a pair of breasts. I am talking about natural and normal female body shapes. That means fat.
Female bodies are naturally smooth and their curves softened by fat. That is one of the facts of life that too many people try to deny.
Women with no fat are not attractive, well not to most men anyway. Women with no fat only appeal to photographers and gay men looking for a female that is not really too female, a tall thin boy to model their clothes or whatever else they are selling.
Look at how models stand. They cross their ankles. Weird. Why do they do that? Because their legs and hips have little real shape to them, only by crossing their ankles do they give the impression of legs that get wider at the hip. Have you ever stood with one hip pointing up and the corresponding shoulder pointing down? Very rarely. It is another pose designed to make a she-boy look like a woman, by exaggerating the curves on one side of the body at the expense of the opposite side. It works because the man's eyes are drawn to the exaggerated curve side and they ignore the now very boyish side. For the gay men and women looking at the picture the opposite applies, the stretched side of the waist has no evidence of fat and so looks even more boyish.
Fashion models do not do glamour modelling and vice versa. To be a fashion model a woman needs to be very tall and slim with very small pert breasts. Glamour models are generally significantly shorter and curvier. Glamour models look great naked but have to be careful how they dress. Fashion models can wear anything, and should, because they look better with their clothes on.
Renée Zellweger is supposed to have put on 28 pounds to play Bridget Jones, I would say that millions of women should do the same, she looks just right. Female.
Women need curves.
I recently saw a paparazzi photo of Andrea Corr topless, all I can say is that she looks far more attractive in her videos, with a dress on.
If I have to choose just one...
Kate Winslet is a curvy middle-sized woman (like me) who looks good in or out of clothes.
Women think that men like thin to the bone boyish bodies, but a normal male ideal woman has curves, ideal is not one woman but several. If I am forced to specify an ideal physical type then I would have to suggest a woman in the mould of Kate Winslet, who is actually very much closer to the average western woman's shape than most models or stars. If I could pick a harem full of women there would be a couple of petite and cute ones (like Kylie, but with a personality) a few curvy middle sized women like Kate Winslet, a few really big (tall and strong) women like Lucy Lawless and a few much more feminine and, yes, with curves! I cannot understand why us women strive to be thin. Thin is not attractive. How much do you think Playboy would pay Paula Radcliffe to keep her clothes on?
Geri Halliwell looked fantastic when she was in the Spice Girls and at the time of her first solo album but for a time she has made herself thin, scrawny and muscular. Who wants a thin, bony and assertive woman with small breasts who can only keep that shape by smoking, eating such a poor diet that she needs vitamin injections and exercising all day? In what way can that be attractive? What kind of man wants a woman who would do that to herself? When men show a preference for thin women they are really wanting genuine waifs, teenagers, not self-made wrecks. A desire for a thin woman is partially a fear of adult women.
Is this trend to disparage female fat perhaps caused by the influence of gay men in the arts, music and fashion? I think this is a strong possibility.
Gay men do not find women sexually attractive, they prefer men, when women look more androgynous they get more compliments from gay men. Women don't know what men want, that is almost self evident from observing them, they have to react to the clues they pick up from the culture. As the gay man's fashion image of the tall androgynous figure with token breasts is highly regarded that image is fed back into the system of copying and imitation. There is very little pressure to resist that process because heterosexual men in the world of haute couture either don't exist or have all gone native and might as well be gay as they have to show the same camp tastes in order to get on in the industry. The fashion industry is constantly feeding a stream of images of freakishly tall and thin models into the wider culture, diluting the perception of what is normal and what is desirable with images from the extreme tall and thin end of the bell curve.
You've heard the stories haven't you? Ugly duckling big-eyed lanky teenager who has been teased all her time time in school and never had a boyfriend meets camp Svengali figure in the street who says in effect, you're freakishly tall and thin, you could be a model, sign here. Slap on the foundation, teach her not to smile, and three months later she's on the cover of Vogue.
The cycle feeds off itself. Men want to want women that other men seem to want, for easily understood evolutionary reasons. If all the men around them seem to think that the ideal woman should have 32 golden rings around her neck or blonde ringlets, a plate in her lip or a bone through her nose that is what they find attractive, and they will kill rather than admit that their choice is anything other than their own. And other men must like those women or why else would they be on the catwalk and on the TV? Why else indeed: there is zero input from straight men in choosing which women become “supermodels”. It is an ideal image created and maintained by the gay men and bitter older women who run the world of fashion: fags and hags. Straight men play no part in the process except as victims.