Yeah, I havent posted in forever and a day. Italy won the world cup, I worked all summer, and the sox suck.
I am still not in school yet, and am very tired.
Cloves are bad for you. Dont go near them. Stupid deliciousness. But Im done with that whole deal.
I am planning my tattoo, and am kinda pissed that its gonna be so long til i can get it. (November to be exact.) It will be well worth it, since I have put so much time and effort into thinking what I want. People dont like when others get tattoos because of its permanency. Well, this is how I look at it. I have thought about this for hours at a time for a couple years. For the past year and a half I have known what I want, and I am gonna get it. Its so multidimensional and it really describes me in a nutshell (a bit out of the box, of course). Its gonna be badass. Notice I never said what it was.....
Joe is going to go with me, he is real good with this tat business.
I am going to Boston 4 times this winter for Bruins games.
I am going to UConn alot. ALOT. Brendan and Colin are there, and we must hang out alot.
I began collecting hockey cards again. I have been averaging a decently expensive card per pack (5 dollars and up). Today I got a Joe Thornton autographed card worth $50. Damn straight, because the pack cost like 35 bucks.
I am the news editor of the CCSU Recorder. Its gonna be a badass paper this year, thats all I gotta say. Read it. Its good. First issue comes out the first day of school.
I dont know how much I am going to use this in the future. Most of my writing will be in the Recorder. Im getting paid. I dont really have alot of thoughts. I dont have much to say anymore. Its kinda nice.
Boulay, out.