I have another half-formed thing to write, about loyalty and belonging. It would have been called "Loyalty: the most dangerous of the virtues", because I see it taking more and more of a role in people's conversation. Are you with us or against us? But the tone of online discussion has got a lot nastier just now
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1. Shared parental leave, which will probably come into being next year (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/shared-parental-leave-and-pay-draft-legislation)
The more "care of children" becomes a problem for parents rather than a problem for women, the better.
2. Ecotricity cutting their energy prices slightly-but-symbolically, and holding a price freeze until later this year.
3. Pensions changes, the sort of dull-but-worthy changes that are coming in, so that a state pension will actually be enough to live on, and all workers will default into saving towards retirement.
4. The way citizen's income seems to have gone in the last five years from completely way-out idea, to semi-respectability and multiple different studies showing benefits.
5. Cycling campaigns near-but-not-in Cambridge (http://www.accesswalden.com/ & http://bhddmadcycle.com/) that seem to be actually achieving consensus and change (and will directly benefit me in the latter case because I will be able to run or cycle further afield)
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