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Oct 15, 2010 21:35

Some things which I've been musing about but not taken the time to write out properly. I'm quite slow when writing original thoughtful stuff, even though I can dash off comment replies on some subjects very quickly. Drop a comment if you're interested in reading any of these, that'll motivate me :)

- "My time as a teenage paramilitary", about being in my school's cadet. One of those things which was perfectly normal at the time but seems weirder and weirder in retrospect. Schoolboys with live firearms and minimal adult supervision? Madness! (The _ammunition_ was very safely locked away, so not quite that mad)

- From that, why the media are completely wrong about violence, especially in computer games; kids pick aggression up from other kids and adults around them and nobody seems to notice how it actually works.

- Why anyone who uses the phrase "fiat currency" like it's a bad thing is a loon.

- Writing about the internships I did as an undergraduate. Internships were in the news a while ago, with uproar about the inegality of unpaid internships. Mine were at least paid ..

- Other economics: currency wars with China, what on earth is going on with the US.

- Note I have here that says "programming as concept marshalling". Not completely sure how to unpack that, but I have another driveby insight: the reason visual programming languages have always struggled is that the important thing in text based programs of any size is identifiers, not operators or keywords. Maybe my syntax highlighter should be highlighting my identifiers different colours and not bothering with the rest.
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