Jul 30, 2003 15:15

So after spending over 3 weeks away from home, its nice to come back to sunny beautiful Victoria. I was in New Jersey for 2 weeks with cousins and my uncle and aunt for a wedding. i had a great time and met a whole bunch of relatives for the first time! and then i spent 4 days in NEW YORK CITY!!! everyone must go sometime in their life its the coolest city i love it! i want to live there, (or brooklyn)! its a shopper's dream thats all i can say. time's square looks better in real life than on the tv during new years count down... went to Macys the worldest biggest department store, omg it was crazy and i bought shoes! seriously girls picture this: a store BLOCK long and 7 stories high... like i said shopper's dream. went to empire state building and statue of liberty and all that stuff too. god i love that city. and the first day we were there i saw Andre Augassi the tennis star and BEYONCE Knowles. She was at planet hollywood and my brother and i ran across the street to get pictures. I was standing less than 3 meters away from her! i gotta get those pics developed.. we also went to niagara falls, and wow, they are sweet. apparently u can go off the falls in a barrel but the chances of living are slim.. hmm something to think about if you're ever bored of life.... went to toronto too to visit my aunt and uncle and went up the CN tower. i didn't like toronto as much as new york but it was okay. god the trip was sweet! but its nice to be back....
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