boy have i messed up a lot of Sh*T: THERE AIN'T NO GAME!!!

Oct 16, 2002 21:56

Okay so in the event, the whole thing between "Ronnie" and "Paul"... I have royally messed up. LIKE ROYALY. (yes its a brit saying...) (btw if ya don't know how these ppl are come ask, it'll make much more sense when ya find out)

okay i have decided that paul doesn't like me, he was just prob pissed cuz he's got midterms plus he's too good for me anyway... way too HOT.

as for ronnie, that kid can honestly go to hell, cuz seriously he has no friends, and doesn't want me to have any so we can be loners together. nice try. and another word to the wise to all those men out there, DON'T FLIRT with GIRLS IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM!
ronnie is the biggest flirt ever and i think that his character is worse than nolan's "schizo" side (aubs if that's even possible eh?) but yes the boy needs to stop. maybe he thinks he's too mature.... NO WAY... yeah right. i can't play his game no more. as tracy says, " there is no game, no court and no ball" the kid is just standing in an empty field wondering where all the players went....
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