I started back at school this week, it isn't too bad. I can't believe this is my last term there, ever. I mean, what the hell am I going to do? I know what and who I want to be (for some strange reason I accidentally typed bed there,) I've got a million ideas of how to get there, but I don't know which one I want to try first. It's scary, because I know I'll have to make that decision very soon.
In other news, my Father is currently on crutches and my Grandmother had a mild stroke last Sunday. Apart from that though, my life is really quite good. I'm traning for something called the Hartley challenge, which is a cycling trip from Canberra to the snow and back. I'm not quite sure about the number of kilometres, but I know it's a shit load. Some people reckon I can't do it, but I reckon I can. It's annoying though, because the trip ends the day before my year 12 formal, which means I'll go there with legs that feel like they are going to fall off, and an arse that might already have done so. David is going to my formal with me because
imahead told me the morning I organized everything (dress, shoes, car etc) that he didn't want to go. No, that is not the reason we broke up. It should be cool having David down, the car I've picked is a really old thing that used to belong to my uncle Johnny, and I think David will enjoy it. For those that don't know, uncle Johnny died in March 2007. He was someone I really cared about and I miss him. It'll be nice to have the car that he loved so much on the night of my formal.
Now, to the reason for my subject line, which I know you've all been wondering about since you started reading. I regularly watch a show called
Spicks and Specks, which has been running on the ABC for a few years now. Basically, it's a music quiz show that is extremely funny. On tonight's epesode, they were playing a game where the contestants had to listen to some lyrics which had been misheard and guess which songs they were from. The correct lyrics were, "No dark sarcasm in the classroom," which of course comes from Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. Though, I must admit, the imagery of ducks not being allowed to have orgasms in bathrooms has a way of being both highly disturbing and very amusing at the same time. That said, I shall now go to bed. Good night.