Oct 13, 2004 00:41
Yeah.....the title would be due to my terribly failed attempt to make cup cakes....word of advice, dont try to make the marble cupcakes or cakes....totally confusing....and how can you tell when a cupcake is done? You can't! Grrrrness.....i love cooking but baking is just not my thing unless its my special cookies....ahh well. tomorrow i'm gonna go get confetti cake mix and white icing and orange food coloring....experiment number two :o)
So, who wants to go out Thursday night for my birthday??? Call my cell if you wanna, not sure what we're gonna do yet, i guess it depends on how many people wanna get together, i know its the beginning of fall break for most of you...fun times for all :o)
Last weekend was pretty good....Saturday night was fun....interesting times there...Felt kinda dumb bein the only one not in a formal but its all gravy....we must do it again sometime and plan it a little more in advance....like, more than an hour and 1/2 please, lol.
I'm totally excited for the next few weeks, this week is my birthday, next week the new JEW cd comes out and the next week in Halloween, yay!!! I'm out for now, ttyl!