"Got Jesus?"
I cocked my eyebrow as I drove to the mall behind a Nissan Maxima that on the left hand side at the infamous Jesus fish and on the other side had the "Got Jesus" bumbersticker.
"No." I said aloud, to no one inparticular except my XM radio playing the Red Sox game. "I don't have Jesus. And frankly, I don't appreciate your pushing of religion."
I mean is that really, really necssary. I mean the fish says it all. You (heart) Jesus. I got no beef with that. But stop being a religion pusher.
Do you really think this is going to make me get Jesus? And what if I did have Jesus? Would you want me to roll up to your window and motion for you to roll down your window and quiet down your Reliant K. Your Newsboys. Your Jars of Clay. And say, "Hey buddy. I got Jesus too. Whooooooooooo!"
Quick sidenote
In writing that last paragraph I had to do my research on Christian Rock. I mean the journalist in me had to make sure that my Christian Rock references were accurate. And I read that there is
Christian Metal,
Christian Hardcore and
Christian Industrial in the Christian music scene. Which I'm actually pretty interested in hearing. Because when I listen to regular metal/hardcore/industrial music, I certainly can't make out any words as is, let alone words that praise Jesus and God.
Plus the description of Christian Rock in wikipedia is brilliant: "A variety of genres evolving from Jesus music." Sometimes unintentional comedy is the best.
(Wow, cuts aren't that hard afterall.)
I mean I have two bumper stickers. One of them is from my days at UMass as a part of the Ski N' Board Club (go ahead ask me what L.A.G.N.A.F. means). It's because I was in college and I was celebrating owning my car and decorating it in a way to respect my crew (and also that I liked to drink out of kegs while sitting in a jacuzzi in 20 degree weather).
The other is a Red Sox bumbersticker. Not a tackyone that says "Yankees Suck" or "Jeter sucks ARod" or "Steinbrenner can kiss my ass." But a classy pair of Red Sox.
I'm not against bumper stickers, I'm just against reading your repitive banter on your bumper.