Doctor Who?

Apr 03, 2010 20:25

David Tennant, I MISS YOU.

...but Karen Gillan is a pretty good replacement. (I still stand by my statement that Matt Smith has too much forehead and not enough eyebrow.) And the new Tardis is all sorts of smexy. I totally ship 11/Tardis now.

But apart from envying Amy Pond's red hair and the Tardis' new interior decorator, this week's episode? Middling. Good entertainment, albeit a bit dragged down with exposition, but why does every single DW conflict have to be resolved with a deus ex machina? Also, DT did the "cleverer than thou" thing FAR better than Matt Smith ever will. Actually, Matt only seems to have one expression. But that's ok, because the true star of the show is Amy (is she genetically related to Donna?).

And THANK YOU, for providing a sane explanation for why a policewoman would ever wear a miniskirt and backseam tights (answer? They don't).

Giant eyeball and leech-thing with loads of teeth: least impressive aliens ever. In fact, the flying eyeball was just stupid. I bet that if I hadn't been watching with utmost concentration, I would have burst out laughing.

Still, not as bad as I feared it would be, and certainly nothing as bad as what the spoilers were predicting. The new Tardis kicks ass.

The end... till next week! I want me some Weeping Angels. I saw some dancing the macarena in Confidential, and now I want them 7000x more badly than before.

doctor who

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