a very special dress

Mar 23, 2010 12:45

While writing my Amor epic (if you could call it that), I designed a very special dress that Morgana wears, but isn't described in detail (clothes porn = bad!). Nevertheless I couldn't resist making a quick sketch, which turned into this drawing:

I based my design off a very medieval style at first, with a large gown, pointed bustier and tight sleeves, but then I also used elements of Morgana's costumes in the show so that at the end, it looked a bit more like the gowns Morgana actually wears. The high waist and the belt were present in nearly all of Morgana's gowns, so that was added in, as was the way the overskirt opened to reveal the underskirt. I would like to be able to explain what Morgana's belt actually is, but I'd have to disappoint you. Maybe a kind of distorted Celtic knot? It was (very loosely) based off of Morgause's belt. There's some decoration on the bustier that disappeared during the resize though... it's supposed to have jewels and stuff on it.

The long slashed sleeves are a bit of a fetish of mine (and looked quite medieval) so they went in as well. The undersleeves were based off of the golden gauntlets that Morgana wears underneath this dress. There's still plenty of stuff to do but most of the dress has been completed (whoo-hoo!).

Notes about the actual drawing: yes, I know it looks nothing like Morgana. I wasn't trying to draw her exactly, I just needed a head on the model :P And yes I know that she has unrealistic proportions. I could say something about the dress making her look thinner but I guess I favoured prettiness over anatomy ^_^'

merlin, art, fanfiction

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