i've pulled some tendons

Dec 08, 2009 14:22

This is mainly a post to complain about my suffering, but I shall give you a bit of background information :) Yesterday I received some lovely new strings for my violin courtesy of dad (my old ones had been on for about a year and they were *dead*) -- Pirastro Obligato aluminium A and silver-coated D (they were expensive as well x__X). Anyway I put them on but since they were quite stretchy they kept going flat and I kept having to tune it. It came to the point where the pegs were so tight that I pulled the tendons in both my wrists trying to tune it xD *ouch*

Thankfully my teacher came and fixed the A, which was at least a semitone flat by then. Am enjoying the strings immensely, they are very, very powerful and gives the gold E a kick up the ass. In fact they have a good relationship with both the E and G, so I'm happy now, despite my injuries. Hopefully when they settle they'll sound even bettrer!

Just finished "proofreading" chapter two of Gorloisfic aka Amor fic of doom aka "La Mort d'Arthur". I'll still probably need to check it over once more -- I'm regretting writing 14,000 word chapters now xD

Thanks to tea_roses and nani1986 for sending me the snowflakes! So pretty! For Christmas my friend is buying me a microwaveable plush giraffe, can't wait to get it xD Then I could cosplay as Katie in my spare time! /lame

The weather is absurdly cold at the moment. My fingers were purple when I went out yesterday for ~twenty minutes. With my poor circulation I think I really need to get gloves that are non-fingerless (I wear fingerless gloves cause my fingers are at least two inches too long to fit in ordinary gloves xD). Hopefully it will snow... cold without snow is like Twilight without sparkles (thanks to Mara for the analogy ;D).

random, real life

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