Feb 09, 2009 17:10

Okay then. Most of you know me as the crazy old lady that leaves driveby comments about your fic, rarely posts anything that's not
a spoiler (Sorry,sorry) or a rant. Here's the deal.I'm at my wit's end, or I would be if I had wits.
My husband was just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. It's a pretty rare form of cancer,there are only 14,000 cases
in the United States. I'm scared, he's scared,everybody's scared.
I'm not asking for money- the local VA hospital will pay for all the procedures, we'll only have to pay for medication. ( Of course, if anybody has an extra couple hundred thousand, I sure wouldn't turn it down!)
I am asking for resources. I live in Indiana, I have type 2 diabetes,diabetic neuropathy, and high blood pressure. I am physically capable
of working, but I have to provide 24/7 care for my husband. In addition to the cancer he has had 3 strokes and is partially paralyzed. So,
anybody know any resources that provide medical insurance for caregivers? Or any type of programs out there that compensate caregivers?
Or anything? I've tried Social Security, Medicaid and the Hoosier Insurance Plan. Right now I am absolutely lost. Help?
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