Apping Story: I wanted to get back in after my dumb ass idled out with Auel. I kinda knew I wanted to bring Auel back, but at the time I was preoccupied with a strange desire to app C.C. - I say strange because I had been wanting to app her since way early in Geass, and I started the app before there was even enough canon for her. Then I put it away for like a month or two and pulled it back out when Geass was... I dunno, at least half over. Maybe closer to the end. We didn't have a cast yet, but I guess I just wanted to be a pizzawitch really bad. 8D That was two years ago next month. Yay! I actually don't like the app at all, and I was iffy about it even back then. At least I got in. \o/
In Camp: C.C. rolls with the punches. Considering she is updated to post-R2 now, she's just glad things aren't spoiler spoiler spoiler for the time being, and that she can still spend time with certain people. She also has a boyfriend now, which has been fun to play out, so while she had some bad times after updating it's mostly all good now.
State of the Union: Doin' good! I know I came close to dropping last year, but that's gone now. My cast is awesome, she's still my main, and will probably stay that way for good.
Issues: Nada. I got 99 problems but a witch ain't one.
Ease of Play 7-8/10 depending on the situation. At this point I've been playing her for two years, so it has gotten easier, though she is still tricky sometimes.
Plans: Get her some more friends sob she's kind of a hermit. Deage her sometime soon. Make some actual posts.
Droppability: "Cold dead hands" and all that. 0/10.
Apping Story: Initially, I was going to app Lacus and decided to app Auel at the last minute because I thought it would be funnier and easier. I got in, miraculously, but idled out a few months later due to fail. After I got C.C. I re-apped him the next round.
In Camp: He mostly just harasses people. He's always been a backburner. :( He has some friends, and some people who hate him (lol ZAFT). I need to get him some more solid relationships or else, well. :\
State of the Union: Not good. He's a lot of fun to play, but I just don't have any real ideas. I'm hesitant to drop him because the last time I ended up missing him a lot, but I dunno. I'll have to do some thinking about it.
Issues: See above. :(
Ease of Play 9/10. He's pretty easy to play.
Plans: Figure out what my problem is.
Droppability: Medium.
Apping Story: Lacus was the first character I wanted to app. I've wanted to app her here since I first saw Yzak talking about the game. I apped once and failed, then apped again like six months later and got the highest percentage I've ever had to date (like 1 out? @_@) I'm still pretty proud of that.
In Camp: Lacus has some good relationships. Kira is leaving, which she will be secretly emo about for awhile, but other than that it's cool. She talks to her remaining canon-mates frequently (especially Yzak), and she's friends with most of the 00 cast (haro-bonding!). It's just really easy for her to make friends because she's so amiable and Jesus-y. Good times.
State of the Union: Good! I wish I could afford to get her icons, since she's been stuck with 15 for a long time. But dibs on any icon money usually goes to C.C. and/or Klan.
Issues: None really!
Ease of Play 7/10 or so. I'm kind of paranoid about her for some reason. She's very well-spoken and I'm sometimes... not, so it's tough. :D;;
Plans: Posts. Jesusing more people.
Droppability: Low.
Apping Story: I totally ninja'd the Xenocast and it was awesome.
... Seriously, though, I wanted to be a part of the cast cause they are so cool. And I really loved the games. My favorite character is Ziggy (insert 5000 hearts here app him ffs) but I'll be damned if I could ever play him. But I thought MOMO was adorable and sweet so I apped her!
In Camp: ... Wanders around being adorable. ;o;b It almost gives me cavities playing her, she's socute. She loves her canonmates and making new friends, and like Lacus it's easy for her to make friends. I'm also trying to have her use her observational abilities more even though I'm dumb and it's hard to do.
State of the Union: All good in the 'hood.
Issues: None that I can think of.
Ease of Play 8/10 unless I'm trying to do observational stuff. XD
Plans: Make more friends and post!
Droppability: Low.
Apping Story: ... Sian topped me into it at the last minute. I had no plans to app a counselor whatsoever. Sob. But I love Tosh so I caved.
In Camp: She is a serious backburner, which is sad. I'll see what I can do about that. She lost most of her canon/universe-mates but at least she still has her captain! Also lol Otacon. So adorable.
State of the Union: Like I said, backburner. :S Which is fine! I'm fine with that. As long as everyone else is, too, then we good.
Issues: Need to play her more, get her more relationships. Fix more computers.
Ease of Play 5-6/10 because she's waaaay smarter than I am.
Plans: ... Be less backburner-y?
Droppability: Not horribly unlikely, but still pretty low.
Apping Story: LOTS AND LOTS OF PAIN. Seriously, I had a hell of a time pulling this off. I ended up doing okay with like a 90% but ughhh. I wanted to play her really really bad and so I worked my ass off on this app more than I ever have. At least it paid off. \o/
In Camp: Klan is really fun to play! I have a good time with her whenever I bring her out. I especially love being awkward with Michel, of course. I might update her to post-series, but only if other people do. Otherwise it would be needless emo for her.
State of the Union: All clear here as well!
Issues: None!
Ease of Play 8/10 or so.
Plans: MACRONIZE. 8D 8D 8D Also make more friends, try to beat the truth out of Michel, etc etc. Also I want to deage her macronized so she can eat play with an also-deaged Michel.
Droppability: Does hell go with no?