[ooc] hurf durf

Nov 20, 2008 13:40


DOES MY CHARACTER DO ANYTHING WITH YOURS OFFSCREEN? WHY NOT? Comment here to see where our characters are crossing paths, and where they're meeting up offscreen. Let's see if we can figure something out.

C.C. lived underground, but just moved into Girls' 1, and you can blame that on Keigo. :') Other than that she is kind of a hermit. If you are a fan of consuming pizza or pizza-like products chances are she would be someone who'd bother you a lot. baaaw ninja turtles ;;

Auel lives in Boys' 1! He is also at the ZAFT base a lot for various reasons. (i.e. he likes to harass ZAFT and also SOMA)

Lacus lives in Boys' 11. I definitely want her to meet more people there considering how friendly she is, so lemme know if I should jump you sometime. \o/

MOMO lives in Girls' 10. She has a tendency to stay near people from home (i.e. Jr. and Canaan especially), but she is also very friendly so I would like to have her meet the others ICly!

Tosh lives in the Tourist's Office with Ianto. Her job is fixing laptops, so if you have an especially bad-behaving laptop she would probably know you by name at this point. XD

Klan may or may not live in the Love Hotel with her canonmates, I need to check on this. If not, I'll have to find her somewhere else to stay. Watch this space. :P

memes, ooc

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