
Jun 24, 2011 13:56

I keep forgetting that I have a personal LJ account since I only use LJ now to access my roleplaying accounts for LOLocracy, herp derp.

But, uh, let's see.


/too lazy for accents

But yes. I'm flying out of Los Angeles next week. I have to make a connecting flight in Florida and from there I'll be heading straight to Santiago. And, uh, I might end up going to Mexico next summer once I graduate. Dad wants to take us to visit some family in Zacatecas, since he was just there a while back visiting a sick uncle of ours. But we'll see.

Also, since I'm never on this LJ account anymore (AND I FEEL TERRIBLE BECAUSE OF IT. ;A;), if anyone has a Tumblr, feel free to follow me and I'll follow you right back! Here's the link to my Tumblr: http://piyopii.tumblr.com/.

And if anyone has AIM, my handle is (hello originality): piyopii. I also have Skype, YIM, and MSN, but I need to be prodded to log on to those accounts. So if you'd rather IM me there, let me know! But yes, sorry for the constant disappearing acts. /3\

/crawls back to Homestuck fan fiction and Ao no Exorcist

pa chile me voy, ¡No contaban con mi astucia!

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