I'm beginning to think that this day is just plagued with bad.
So this morning, I figured I'd leave a few minutes early for school. When I step outside it's pretty cold, about 35 Fahrenheit, but I don't really care. I just get in my truck and drive off like usual. Nothing different... Everything's ok. Until I get to the first stoplight. I'm first at the light, wishing it would change already. When it finally does I let up on the clutch and brake, and down on the gas. Everything's smooth until I run over a puddle, or what I believe to be a puddle. Turns out it was a patch of ice instead, a very large one at that. My truck fishtails, and I hit the curb. I overcorrect it and hit the curb across the street. It's then that I try to correct again and the back tires hit the same curb. Then suddenly I feel a sense of vertigo come over me, and that's when I realize my truck is flipping on its side. I slam my elbow on the glass, and I slid for a second before coming to a stop.
I was so scared; I had no idea what to do. I tensed my body, ready for someone to slam into me, or for something else to happen. I stayed calm when I hit the curbs, but this was different. I had no clue how to get out, not even thinking about the door above me. My books were scattered around my legs, and my purse was on the window. I was so shaken up but I managed to shut off the truck, take off my seatbelt and open the door above me, only when two kind women got out of their cars and helped me. I could see people driving past me, but I didn't care about them. I knew nothing was hurt, as I didn't feel myself hit anything. My elbow did hurt a bit, but I was fine. Though looking at everything around me, my truck flipped on one of the busiest streets in my town, the emotion just took over. I couldn't stop the crying, but I knew I had a valid reason to cry.
I called my mom, but she didn't answer, so I tried my dad. No one answered. The women holding the door for me had already called 911, but I still wanted to talk to my parents. Suddenly I heard my phone going off in my jacket pocket, and I pulled it out, crying harder when I realized it was my dad. I answered and told him everything, where I was, what happened. He said he'd be right there, as I had wrecked not even a mile away from my house.
Even now as I type this tears sting at my eyes, and my hands are shaking. The accident keeps replaying itself over and over again in my head. I keep thinking what I could've done different. I had always seen that puddle, because the bank keeps it's sprinklers on even during winter and causes the puddle, but I didn't take into account the fact that it was cold, thus ice would form. Call me foolish, but I've never driven in the winter time, only having my license since August, and I didn't think about it. I really wish I would've.
I don't know what I'm going to do now. I got my truck as somewhat of a Christmas present, but the truck is in no way new. It's a '94 model Toyota, with 110 thousand miles on it. I love that truck though for only having it a month. I remember finding it impossible to drive at first, but I came to love it. Now the whole left side is smashed flat and scraped up. It's sad to look at, and brings back those images.
I also realized that today it has been six months since Jasmine You passed away. I marked this day on my calendar to mourn... and now I have so much more to show remorse for...