I'm very happy with the color spread this week!!
Sexy Rukia? HELL YES FINALLY KUBO! Shows that Rukia can be sexier than all the other Bleach women combined. I mean, look at that figure and booty! It'd be like, perfect if she had a little more boobage. But I love the pink and her sexy position with the trident :P
Though I don't really like how SOME people are claiming it's "a gift from Kubo to them" instead of Angel!Rukia we get Devil!Rukia because SOMEONE requested it. Can I roll my eyes at the stupidity now? (A real gift from Kubo would be something much more than a spread, idgits.)
Orihime's cute in the spread though, even though you can't see details. I like her booties. She's like a ghost ninja in the tree!
And the castle and Quincy Dracula. Very nommy. The chapter was good too. BYAKUYA!!!!!!! He rules, thank god he's not the villian now. ;.;
I'm going to Houston tomorrow, foos! It's going to be tons of fun! I hope my school uniform arrives. *crosses fingers*