2005 update

Dec 28, 2005 00:09

Complete and add your own at the end

{x} broke a promise.
{x} made a new best friend.
{x} fallen in love(but not with a person...)
{ } fallen out of love.
{x} done something you swore never to do.
{x} lied
{x} stole(i stole a pizza at a gymboree party and prolly other stupid things...)
{x} went behind your parents back.
{ } cried over a broken heart.
{x} dissapointed someone close.(I always feel like I did-and I dont know how not to and have stopped caring in many cases)
{x} hid a secret.
{x} pretended to be happy.
{ } got arrested.
{ } kissed in the rain.
{ } slept under the stars.
{ } kept your new years resolution.
{X} forgot your new years resolution.
{x} met someone who changed your life.(I have to say Camp and maybe others)
{ } met one of your idols.
{x} changed your outlook on life.
{ } sat home all day doing nothing.(I ALWAYS have to be doing something)
{x} pretended to be sick.
{ } left the country.
{ } almost died.(How do u know?)
{x} gave up on someone important to you.(It's sad but really true but I am finding new ways to hope again... He needs help-SO BADLY)
{X} lost something expensive.(I dropped my cellphone in milk...)
{x} learned something new about yourself.(Everyday)
{x} tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it.
{x} made a change in your life.
{x} found out who your TRUE friends were.(YES YES YES...)
{x} made a total fool of yourself.(Always-but if I dont care can I ever be a total fool?)
{x} met great people(I heart my freshmen and USPA people...I met GREAT people)
(X) had a major religious discovery(OK True story I started reading up on Catholcism and I believe the bible stuff but feel like I may convert after college due to the doctrines because I keep reading that if u reject doctrines u arent really catholic and so now I am kinda like WTF Pope then I'll go be a devoted Methodist... but we shall see what times brings...)
(X) discovered a band so good that they made you dance(lots of bands make me dance and I discovered some who make me think...)

MY Question
(X)became so stressed financially you considered drastic measures
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