Corinne's Latest Post. funny funny hahahahahhaha

May 20, 2004 19:40

Calamine Lotion
Excuse my lack of poetry, but we can't be honey-tongued all the time

I've decided many things, first being that "paul's world" can fuck the hell off. Loving him is like having a mosquito bite I can't scratch. I had the chicken pox once, thank you, I don't care to have it again. Every time I think I'm satiated someone has to drag his corpse out of the water and make me itch. Fuck him. and Fuck you.

Second, all men are dogs. Turn your head on one for too long and the next thing you know he'll be humping your leg. If he doesn't successfully complete this task he'll piss on the carpet in stubborn disappointment and give you fleas. There again, with the itch.

So here I sit, having learned little, wasted much and itching like a mother fucker. All I need now is to be hit by a bus.
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