Sep 02, 2005 19:39
When I emerged from my dark introverted shell this afternoon -after days of no sleep,working at the cafe until my skin wreaked of coffee, and trying to do assignments and get the magazine to print - I noticed that the outside world wasn't all that bad. I went up to R-block to turn in an assignment and the air was very tolerable (it was scorchin earlier and then had rained, so it was very pleasant) and I could smell the honey suckles on the wind. On the walk back down I realized that this life here, that split second where the ambiance of campus made me smile, is what I want to share with everyone back home, what I want to convey when I talk about this home away from home. Levi realized that we have 8 weeks left until we move out of our apartment. On November 1st before exams start we plan to move into his parents place so they can fill up on spending time with him and we can still be in town just in case there is any last minute paperwork before we leave the country.
Today was the first day in a week that I took a second to breath and collect my thoughts. While I stood on the path surrounded by trees with the odd koala on a perch I realized something. I feel bad, I feel bad about New Orleans, I feel bad about Alabama and Florida and Mississippi and Louisianna. I feel bad that I haven't mentioned it yet. I should have called Meg when it happened, when the news trickled to us. The chaos that is going on now is unbelievable. On the news the other night they showed a clip of a woman saying that she felt like she was in a 3rd world country - but its true. When disaster strikes, human nature is the same (get what you can, protect your own, survival of the fittest). Now there is a debate as to whether or not they should rebuild, of course they should. If you evacuate all costal cities, all towns prone to flooding, earthquake zones, hurrican alley, tornado alley - there won't be many more left. All of the formative societies in the world were built on ports, it was logical.
This weekend is going to be more studying, more stretching, I wish I could help find the family of friends missing, I hope I don't have any family or friends missing.