Sep 29, 2003 12:26
Well it's Monday again and I'm just hanging out I think I have an ear infection my ear is killing me I keep getting dizzy if I move my head the wrong way, the pressure is driving me crazy and I can't open my mouth all the way.
It was freezing last night I had the blankets all the way up around my neck and I was getting my heat from mister head bags!LOL. I woke up around 6am casue Silas was couphing and threw up some phlemb, nice huh, and I coudldn't lay back down casue of the pressure in my ear so I slept sitting up in the corner of the wall, on the bed of course. I wanted to wair a sweater and jeans but all my sweaters are still in the attic, we need to get them out cause I was freezing my little tush off.
Andrew's back still hurts him, he's going to come home early today I was surprised he even went to work. I have a Dr's appointment at 2:15 so that is good.
Well that's about it for now I'm done typing for now.
Love you...Bye!!!!!!!!!!