Feb 13, 2004 08:12
Well, I am now on day two of my six day workweek, and already I am regretting trading my day off with my co-worker. Grrrrrrr.... The only good thing is that today is pay-day. YAY! Not that it will last long. It'a a miracle if my paychecks last more than the weekend. >_< My fault of course.
Now I ask this question...... Why the hell do I date? And where the hell are all the MEN? I know there are allot of men out there! So where are they? I always seem to date either boys or guys! *Translation Boys =immature young males Guys = immature older males* Now you may ask "What's your definition of a man then?" Ahhh good question. I'll let you know when I figure it out. I only know what they are not... And they are not the ones I end up dating.... *Sigh* My current bf is really touchy feely if you get my meaning... I am not a touchy feely kind of person and most definitely not in public! I mean when I am in a store the last thing I want to see is someone rubbing themself up against thier significant others butt! I really dislike it when that person is me. ARG! Another thing I don't care if it is joking I AM NOT PROPERTY! In fact if I hear those words again I feel like I will really rip someone's head off. Maybe it's just they way it's said you know like Propertay? but it still really bugs me. another thing that bothers me is the whole "I miss you". those words can get old really fast. Especially when they are said in that whole whinny tone! GRRRRRR. I hate feeling smothered. I've only been dating for one month and already the L word has come up. I have nothing against love itself... I don't agree in love at first sight though. I do believe in lust at first sight. Love comes after getting to know someone. My bf is very much in lust with me but he is confusing it with love... ACK. Further he's the depressed sort. You know the ones I am talking about. The ones that always have something to be stressed over and only you can make them feel better. All the better to make a fool like me feel bad about wanting to break up.
I like a balanced mixture of space and closeness, and yes I feel there is such a thing. Then why can't I find it? Answer... I always date the immature ones!! Which brings me to my first question!! Where are all the men hiding????? If your out there please let me know where to find them? ok.. I feel better for venting now.. everyone have a great day Ja Ne.