Jan 31, 2006 19:48
so....state of the union address....iiiinteresting....
alright, so he said a few good things...those few sentences about freedom....the bit about education.....but what was up with the joke about his dad at Clinton? i mean, i know it's been in the news lately about how Bush Senior and Clinton have been spending time together and are friends, but why the fuck would he joke about it in the frickin state of the union address? that doesn't seem right at all......and the phrase "weapons of mass destruction"? i thought he wasn't going to use that phrase anymore.....and whats up with "clean safe nuclear energy"? nuclear energy can be safe, but it's for sure not clean at all.
"By passing these reforms, we will save the American taxpayer another
$14 billion next year and stay on track to cut the deficit in half by
2009." i'm sorry, but YOU CANT DO THAT...lets see...that pretty much means lets spend more money and cut taxes alot....you cant cut taxes and expect to cut the deficit at the same time....
P.S. here's bush's attempted joke....just for the hell of it...
"This year, the first of about 78 million baby boomers turns 60,
including two of my dad's favorite people: me and President Clinton."