Title: and caramel on top
Rating: PG-13 for inappropriate erections.
Summary: Yanagi invites Kirihara out on a cold, snowy day. And promptly proceeds to embarrass himself.
shikishi who asked for 'Carmel green tea frappucino and a game of hands down the pants in Starbucks'. This is my rendition, Ames. Don't fence me in. :D
Hey, Senpai. )
But then maybe Yanagi won't mind. Red-eyed after a green tea frapp. Like Christmas!
Though I do have to ask, how much wax is Kirihara using if its hard to comb out sometimes? Because it shouldn't be hard at all....
I speak from experience, sadly. Going to bed with wax in your hair = tangled mess the next day.
Would Akaya? Maybe he actually has a perm and has a fro on his bad days...heh...
(The number one reference was cute, btw. Because he will be!)
(the number one reference was for you)
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