I normally shudder when new acquaintances tell me that they write. I'm not generally big on recommending books I haven't read. But I'm making an exception, because first of all I have heard SUPERLATIVELY good things about this author from some very trustworthy sources, and secondly because I just read the Amazon summary and it sounds spectacular. Also, because my darling
naamah_darling has sweetened the deal to the tune of some of her very best art, and I have not yet managed to get my hands on ANY of her work.
So check it out:
http://www.amazon.com/Habitation-Blessed-Catherynne-M-Valente/dp/1597801992/ref=tmm_pap_title_0 Come on... doesn't that sound yummy?
Okay, the author is my new hero. Here's her YouTube video explaining the actual historical origins of Prestor John and setting up her book. With action figures of awesomeness.
Click to view