Sep 28, 2009 09:55
Walking outside today was awesome. I was glad that the staff parking is far enough away to require a short walk to the building. Because it was cool, and crisp, and slightly smokey (I hear that Arlee was on fire...). I want the weather to start turning. I think the trees are finally starting to.
It's Hannah's birthday. I made a cake. It was supposed to kind of be a surprise, but then a text I meant to send to Adam actually went to Hannah.... sigh. That was an epic fail. Because I am apparently an unobservant ditz sometimes (mosttimes). Oh well. I found out what kind of cake she wanted! And I made it. And it's not as pretty as her cakes, but it should hopefully taste awesome. And very chocolatey. Hooray.
Boots and tights and baggy dresses and scarves and awesome coats are the shiznit. I love seasons. Mwah ha ha.