R.I.P. Bobby Lopez 6-17-04

Jun 17, 2004 07:48

Late last night when I got home from a long, hard day at work (12:30 pm-9:30 pm) I look outside in my backyard and I see my mom rubbing my dog and pouring stuff on him. I'm thinking "What the hell is she doing bathing him at this time?!" but to my surprise when I get a closer look, he's stiff and barely taking shallow breaths. I of course freak out and ask what happened and apparently he was chasing a toad outside and it shot out poison at him... He was dying... right there in front of my eyes. It was the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life. I'm sobbing tears right this very second as I write this entry. Alex came over last night and helped us take him to the emergency animal clinic. This was already like at 10 something at night. So after being at the animal ER for about an hour, the doctor told us to go in and visit him because we had to leave him overnight to see if they could cure him and make him better so we went in (Alex, my mom, & I... my dad stayed home) and were with him for a little while. Then I came home and prayed that this morning I would go, pick him up and give him a great big hug... but that thought was shattered early this morning when my mom came into my room crying, telling me the animal clinic called and told her that he died like at 5 o'clock this morning. I can't believe my Bobby is gone... Now I know exactly what my mom meant by not wanting another dog if anything ever happened to him. It will never be the same. I don't even want one because I feel like it's a replacement and even though he was just a dog, I feel like he can't be replaced. We had him for soooooo long... 10 years to be exact, and now he's gone. What kills me is how I saw him suffering. That was so painful to watch.

Goodbye Bobby...
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