Double question mark with a half twist.

Aug 09, 2005 21:12

I'm having some dilemmas, all of which I could careless to care about, thats the problem. I just want to be a trapper!

Okay, so, we all know I love my deadend job...but I've been personally requested to join another line of work. I don't know what to do. This job could have me movin on up and help me get into the know-how of the plant business. Could be good if we decide to make a tree farm out of random purchased land up north. Plus, my uncle is gonna start hauling trees for the guy that runs the place. The thing is, its long hours, say 50+ a week. I am use to having the bendable, whatever goes, type deal. But the poor restaurant is going down soon. So I'm guessing I should suck it up and take the grown-up job. Shit, I'd be rollin in smackers. Another downer is, I'd have to work with Tony, eck. He's this creepy guy, like happy & cheesy creepy, and he likes me. I could just say I'm a mega dyke! What to do..

That whole week off work is coming up, woo. Gainesville, woo. I just wanna float down a creek with a 40oz. Laura and I, our forces combined, can acheieve this goal. -theres been an interuption in my desire spurting- My mother just walked in the kitchen loudly clapping while yelling out demands, wearing a saftey patrol belt. This woman totally is responsible for spawning me, godbless. We made an answering machine message for the phone today and it was hilarious. She forgot to stop the recording and there is silence for awhile then you can hear bigboykitty meow loudly in the background. Fuck, it was so comically white trash I put it on my cellphone. I dunno, maybe you had to be there. Also, my uncle brought some couch and dumped it in the garage. Listen to this; He got it from "Smitty", this guy that owes him money for losing bets or something. Apparently it wasnt even his couch, it was his sisters! Haha, a drunk that gambles away his family's furniture! Priceless. This same week he scored a shitty van off some deadbeat dad. Now my brother's got a work van that looks like it runs off crackrocks!1 Bro and this guy SNAIL started a shutter buisness with the help of old uncle. My uncle is to nice. He'd prolly let someone break-even by giving him thier fucking used toilet paper.

I wanna go to Kashmir tomorrow. Come on ladykillers, lets go dick slinging and tit grabbing. This cowgirl that comes in the restaurant in hot tight jeans keeps asking me to go clubbing with her. I'd rather not frighten her, but I've really been interested in what these honkytonk clubs have that makes them so fun. Renegades, anyone? Maybe I should just bring her out with me one night, haha thatd be a sight.

Burr, can a niggar get a jacket, or get the thermostat jacked up.
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