Yay, well this morning I went to the BB Art Center & I got to be a model & I got to wear this robe (kind of looked like a japanese kimono :D) & I held an umbrella & a fan :D hehe...(NOT NAKED). You don't realize how numb your hand gets after sitting there for 30 min spans :X especially when you can't move drastically--hehe. Anyways, I made $45 dollars for 3 hours... which is what? $15 dollars an hour with 5 minute breaks (totally 30 minutes) for sitting there & not moving. Mind you, I was perfectly comfortable & I got to sit in this nice cushioned seat with padding beneath my elbow & back :D
Anywho, yesterday I went swimming & it was a HORROR SHOW. First there were these "chicken spick-nuggats" as Tori would call em, fixing the pool house (and they were yelling at each other). Then there came an entire family of Korean/Japanese people, and they had a little kid that just kept crying and taking his pants off. At a different side of the pool there was a guy that was "SUNBATHING," except for the fact that he was propping up a tent pole in his pants -_-;; And so I tried to not look in any direction except UP, so there was the sun baking my corneas (eyeballs) directly above me... so I just decided to look to my right...which was a wall... but then I thought people would think I was nuts, so I just covered my eyes every time I had to come up to breathe. *shudders* and that concludes my pool side experience. Tramatizing... I know :X