Happy Birthday Chacha~ + Media [ TV + Magazines ] + YOU Blog

Mar 02, 2009 23:03

♥ Happy Birthday Chacha!!!! ♥

hee. This time I'm on time for Chacha's birthday XD; (since its already 03/03 in Japan)

p.s. Sorry Chacha!! ^^;;

Media: TV Appearances

[ Dears ] [ Gackt.com ]
There's another appearance on this morning's (03/03) 「どですか!」 from 06:00~0:800hours.

TV出演情報 - 2009年3月
3/31(毎週火曜)18:00~ NHK BSハイビジョン「大河ドラマ 風林火山」全50話

3/3(火)6:00~8:00 メ~テレ「どですか!」 [link]

Media: Magazines


Monthly Lawson Ticket 「月刊ローソンチケット」4月号 vol.20  3.1 sun → 3.31 tue
There's a feature on Gackt's VISUALIVE (ARENA) in the April Issue (Vol.20) of [ Lawson Ticket ].
There's also information with regards to the tickets for his Arena Tour dates later in June/July :P
This free magazine is already out on stands since 03/01 :)

Bokura no Real Interior Vol.8
潜入!Gackt神秘の自宅: Welcome to my Labyrinth
It seems that they've sneaked into Gackt's mysterious home! :P 6 pages worth filled with pictures~! ^o^
You may buy this magazine from >>> AMAZONJP <<< for 890yen. (The ISBN Code/release date matches)
僕らのリアルインテリア vol.8



定価: 890円(税込)
発売日: 2009/03/02
ISBNコード: 978-4-391-62799-2
Here's a peep inside the book.

Also, YOU-kun updated his blog. It seems like he loves visiting Konbini-s (Convenience stores)
and seeing what kind of food they carry XD; He also ate some Hida (marbled) Beef *drools*

current mood: Tired

gacktjob, tv, どですか, chacha, you-kun, birthday, you blog, gackt, real interior, lawson, magazines
