Saturday Amusic Islands 2009.02.21 + YOU Blog [ Full Recovery! ] + Gackt on Hey!Hey!Hey!...?

Feb 22, 2009 01:09

Saturday Amusic Islands - morning edition-

There wasn't any notification from Dears, but apparently Gackt's message was played on FM802's
Saturday Amusic Islands programme on Saturday (02/21) morning at about 11:00hours.
I'm guessing the message is most probably recorded back when he was on REDNIQS on 02/14?
Nevertheless, even if we don't get to hear the message, we have a pictureeee ^___^~

[ Shirley's Saturday Amusic Islands ]
This Week's S.A.I program information



日本&海外の最新AIR PLAY HITSをご紹介!

【11時台~au SMILE ON MUSIC】
■注目の着うたフルをPICK UP!
■ Gacktからメッセージ到着!

▽【7時台】「TATSURO'S JUKEBOX」のコーナーにゴスペラーズからメッセージ到着!
You can also find a picture of Gackt in the latest [ Blog Entry ]!!!
Gacktさん! 2009/02/21 Sat 久々のS.A.I.登場!Gacktさん~


Gackt HP→

YOU Blog - Complete Revival!

YOU-kun has fully recovered~! ^_^ Yatta!

[ YOU Blog ]


YOU (2009年2月21日 00:56) | 個別ページ






P.S. たくさんのエントリーありがとう〜
ホントご心配おかけしました m(._.)m


Complete Revival!!

YOU (2009年2月21日 00:56) | 個別ページ

I've completely recovered (laughs)
(note: "いたしました" is actually a continuation of the title to form: "完全復活いたしました"
and doesn't quite make sense on its own here so I repeated the title ^^)

Iyaa~, Thank you all very much for your passionate nursing in
Matsuyama and Takamatsu {1} (laughs)

My fever subsided completely from sweating so much on-stage,
and because of the power I've received from everyone (laughs)

And we've also finally returned from our current road trip to Shikoku {2} ...
I can't quite lose my zeal yet, can I?

I'll rest for a little while more. For the sake of the battles (to come)... (laughs)

P.S. Thank you for all the numerous entries~
I'm truly sorry for all the worries I've caused you m(._.)m

{1} Alpha Anabuki Hall [link] is located in Takamatsu

{2} YOU-kun is referring to the concerts that took place in Kochi, Matsuyama & Kagawa
because they are all located within Shikoku [wiki]

Gackt on Hey!Hey!Hey!...?

Okay, not quite ^^;
In the trailers for this coming Monday's (02/23) episode of [ Hey! Hey! Hey! ] you can see that
they will replay an old episode which Gackt appeared on, among many other various artiste recaps!
(No use hiding the face. We can all recognize that clip immediately, don't we? XDDD)
I wonder if there will be more than one flashback video with Gackt in it? :p

Those who want to watch the preview I've uploaded it to >>> Tudou <<<

current mood: Tired

gacktjob, tour, tv, hey, you-kun, fm802, r&rii, radio, you blog, gackt
