More Chinese articles on Gackt's Tour + Zoom-in Saturday + Gackt Meets Winners + Eneru's Valentines

Feb 05, 2009 06:19

More Chinese articles on Gackt's Tour and his "erotic" massage

I translated one article because it was the most interesting :P
Click this picture for the larger version ^_^~♥♥♥

This is the most interesting article that revealed extra stuff not present in the previous article I translated.
So I only translated this one XD;

Please do NOT re-post and/or copy my translation elsewhere without permission.
[ 21cn ]  [ yulesohu ]  [ ]
Gackt砸1.5亿日元开唱 自爆误闯色情按摩场所
2009-02-04 09:47:44  21CN音乐
标签: Gackt

日本视觉系天王Gackt睽违3年巡回日本开唱,自我挑战大秀舞技,求好心切的他,不惜耗费高达1.5亿日元,构思拍摄反战意识形态主 题影片串场,藉由诠释机械人角色,向歌迷传达保护地球、维持和平的讯息。向来喜欢扮酷、惜话如金的他,还自爆之前到摩洛哥拍照时,误闯当地色情按摩店的糗 事,逗得全场粉丝狂笑不已。


Gackt前晚在东京国际会议中 心开唱,现场5千名粉丝,几乎都是女生。当他以黑色纳粹军服、左手佩戴红色臂章造型现身舞台,全场尖叫。他接着 自弹自唱、拉小提琴,展现贵族王子般的深情,演唱新单曲《GHOST》时,与舞群搭配大跳机械舞,后半段则跳街舞,大声嘶喊,展现过人体力。他睽违3年再 度巡演,预定走遍日本全国42个大小城镇进行51场公演,以每张门票7千日圆计算,票房进帐至少吸10亿日元。


(编辑:麦仔)Prince of Visual Kei Gackt is holding his first nationwide tour in Japan after a period of 3 years, showing a challenging display of his dancing skills. Being a perfectionist, he didn't hesitate to spend up to 150 million yen to film a movie that outlines a theme of anti-war and links the entire concert together. By means of playing the role of cyborgs, he spread the message of upholding peace and protecting the Earth to all his fans. Gackt, who has all along loved looking cool, and being a person who seldom divulges much, even revealed the embarrassing matter of how he mistakenly entered an erotic massage parlor while he was in Morocco for a photo-shoot, causing all the fans in the hall to break out in boisterous laughter.

Gackt held a concert at the International Tokyo Forum the night before and nearly all of the 5,000 fans present were ladies. The hall broke out in screams the moment he appeared on stage decked in his black Nazi uniform with the red arm band pinned on his left arm. Following that he displayed the deep affections of an aristocratic prince as he sung to his own accompaniment and played the violin. He also displayed excellent physical strength as he danced a cyborg dance together with his dancers to the song "GHOST", and also broke out in street dances and loud yells during the later half of the concert. Touring again after a wait of 3 years, he is scheduled to cover 51 concerts in 42 cities around the entire country. And with each ticket going for 7,000yen, ticket sales are estimated to be at least 1,000 million yen.

He revealed that when he was conducting a photoshoot in Morocco, people actually mistook him to be a big boss of the Japanese Yakuza; and when he wanted to go to the massage center to relieve his tension through massages, he entered a erotic massage parlour by mistake. Laughing, he said "The staff asked me what kind of lady I wanted so I replied 'as long as she's skillful, any kind will do.'. In the end they sent a blonde to come and serve me, and she wanted me to strip myself naked. I realized that it didn't feel right and quickly left the place."

[ Yahoo TW ]

5700萬自導自演拍反戰短篇電影 Gackt演唱會戲味十足

更新日期:2009/02/04 15:06 特約記者簡立言東京報導


睽違3年舉辦日本全 國巡迴演唱會的Gackt,在舞台上配合大螢幕演出雙角色戲碼,先是失去記憶、酷勁十足的人造人戰爭機器,中場則搖身一變成為青春偶像又唱又跳,角色轉換 猶如兩個世界,而他渾厚有力的歌聲征服現場5千名粉絲,而各種多元化的舞蹈演出更令人眼睛為之一亮,全場共演唱包括最新單曲「GHOST」在內共19首作 品。



[ Tom ]
Gackt东京狂野开唱 T恤湿透肌肉线条若隐若现

时间:2009-02-04 10:50来源 Tom 专稿


2月2日Gackt在东京国际Forum(东京国际论坛大楼)举办《Requiem et ReminiscenceⅡ~再生与邂逅~》演唱会,当晚他不但装可爱在现场炒热歌迷情绪,还演唱《Jesus》、《Ghost》等歌时尽力嘶叫吶喊,大 汗淋漓的他使身上的白色T恤完全湿透,连肌肉线条也若隐若现,引得台下女Fans不断尖叫。这次演唱预计吸引11万人次观看,单是门票进帐就超过5千万, 不过为了演出,Gackt还自导自演制作演唱会前后的短篇特效电影,剧情也很具反战意味,前后共花了过千万元,确是下了重本。

[ ]


星岛环球网 2009-02-04




ズームインSUPER・ズームインサタデー (Zoom-in SUPER, Zoom-in Saturday)

[ Zoom-in Saturday ] Omezame was interviewing Gackt during the little rest day
between his Nagoya (01/29) and Mie (01/27) performances.
They wrote hearing (I think Gackt?) saying "Because I'm so fired up before and after a Live I'm unable to sleep.
Therefore I'm always playing darts in a darts bar".

Gackt appeared on their morning programme earlier today yesterday (02/04) as announced by Dears
  Gackt 名古屋で直撃!ツアー中の体の癒し方は!?   ニューシングル「GHOST」を引っさげ、約3年ぶりの全国ツアー真っ最中のGacktさんが、先日名古屋にやってきました。

Gackt Meets Winners - "Able to meet a great Samurai"

[ TVStation ]
Gackt x 宮本慎也選手 [TS4号]

TVstation 2009-02-04
Gackt meets winners 対談こぼれバナシ

全国ツアー中の忙しい中行われたGacktさんと宮本選手の対談。初対面のお2人でしたが、Gacktさんが仲良しのプロ野球選手の話で、ひと盛り上が り。対談後には「素敵なサムライに会えた」(Gacktさん)、「勉強になりました」(宮本選手)とガッチリ握手。チームやプロジェクトを引っ張るリー ダー同士、得るものがあったようです。

"GHOST" debuts #6 on the weekly oricon rankings for Singles

[ Oricon's Pick-up Titles ] and [ Oricon Weekly Singles Ranking ]
When "GHOST" was first released it was #4 on the daily rankings.
I hope Gackt can get #1 on the rankings again! Maybe with his new album? :P

"GOHST" ^^;

[ 価格.com ] They stated his label to be Gordie Entertainment. AmazonJP + HmvJP stated it as "Dears" though


アーティスト:Gackt レーベル:ゴーディエンターテインメント



Eneru's Sweet Valentine

Eneru's room is all decorated and ready for Valentine's day :)
It looks almost.. too... chocolate-y ^^;

current mood: Groggy.

taiwan, tour, eneru, rankings, big adventures, ghost, oricon, r&rii, gacktmeetswinners, taipei, gackt, tvstation
