Sarah Connor Chronicles Commercials

Dec 27, 2008 22:55

Sarah Connor Chronicles Commercials

OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Gackt is narrating for the TV commercials?!!??! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
His voice is so... sexayyyy *MEEEELLTSSS* Not to mention we can hear GHOST playing in the background XD
SO COOL!!!! *A*!!!!!!!! If only this commercial is playing on my local tv ^^; hahaha

You may watch these on the official Japanese [ Sarah Connor Chronicles homepage ] under movies
[tv] Sarah Connor Chronicles cm_15sec.avi  or  [tv] Sarah Connor Chronicles cm_30sec.avi

15s commercial

30s commercial

Download the commercials if you want them:
>>> 15s tv commercial <<< or  >>> 30s tv commercial <<<


tv, videos, ghost, downloads, releases, gackt, cm, sarah connor
