La Pluie's Cute picture report on NIGHTMARE of HALLOWEEN + More pictures / coverage

Nov 06, 2008 19:01

A really cute report!

Thanks to littleflapper for the heads up
Please note that this report is copyright to web site master "Y" @ [ la pluie ]
I don't have La Pluie's permission to post her picture report here
but I do have her approval to share my translation on her report
so I'll just post my text and link back to her. ^^

Disclaimer: Please note my Japanese is poor and there will be errors/inaccuracies.
If you spot any errors, please do let me know so I can correct them.
As such, please do not copy or repost my translations elsewhere without permission. Thank you.
Also very very big thanks to Yukari-chan for helping me check & correct my errors my translation. m(_ _)m

[ LA PLUIE's Report! ]

TODAY'S hyde
Wedding dress, kitaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Since K.A.Z-san is Eric from "the CROW", is (HYDE) meant to be (Eric's) bride...? {1}
The tragic bride who was murdered on the night before her wedding.
The dress was dripping wet with blood, that was also amazing.
Seems like a lot of antique lace was used (for the dress).
It was extremely refined and elaborately constructed.
His arms were showing through the Organdy sleeves.

A tiara was set in a blonde wig.
Everything seemed like a dream.

With Jin-san narrating, the members appeared.
Today HYDE and KAZ were brought back to life as they rose from behind the tombstones.

I'm so satisfied just by the fact that I'm able to draw these figures, that it would be okay to end the report now.
(HYDE) looked even more doll-like with the subtle bluish eye shadow.
(She's wondering about something concerning his lower eye-lashes ^^;)
They were a pair of amazing droopy eyes.

hyde MC
To the loud calls of "Kawaii" from within the venue
(Hyde) responded languidly "I know~". He was fingering his hair.
His hips... too seemed to be moving flirtatiously
This wig is heavy~
I knocked my head a while ago and although its bleeding...
Is it alright~?
Because my head hurts~
So let's quickly move on to the next song

(Hyde) kicked his legs up (into the air), and the hems of his skirt fluttered about upwards.
He used both hands to wave it around.
It seems that he enjoys (wearing?) long skirts. (laughs)

At the part (of the song) that went "I wonder", he suddenly spread out both his arms,
while gesturing and showing an expression as though "I don't understand"
I died a violent death from the overdose of cuteness.
My friend next to me too, died a violent death.

During the prelude today he also crept up from the back (of the stage)...
but the crow perched on (K.A.Z's) shoulder was in the way so he gave up on the kiss... {2}

hyde MC
(KAZ) is letting a crow perch on him today. It's the reeaaal deal.
Don't tell (the authorities about the real crow) ne~. (Because) it's quite affectionate~
That person (Ju-Ken) is a little too cool isn't he~
Since I don't really know what it is I'm calling it the "Red Devil".

Red Devil... This get-up seems the most mortifying....
What kind costume is this, really???

It's the more-"unleashed-beast"-than-ever Ju-ken-san.
With HYDE provoking him... I thought he was (merely) kneeling down.. then at that moment.. he went under HYDE's skirt!!! (What the!)
During the live, "HYDE, run awayyyyy" was shouted numerous times ne...
maybe this time it would've been best to put him in a cage.... (laughs)

There was (someone) in an animal costume on the 2nd floor when the other bands were performing
It was waving at the people in the area directly below it & they waved back.
I was wondering who it was...
It was Ali-san...
It seems like its extremely hot to be drumming dressed like that.
HYDE also added "I'll assure (everyone) when he falls over" (laughs) {3}
Since I didn't know about the character "Chewbacca", I truly thought back then that it was a monster of a Yorkshire Terrier.

Since the bride has just been resurrected from her his grave, it seems that (he) likes to act coquettishly...
A short while back he failed to give a kiss...
Then he squats in front of KAZ and was biting his guitar.
Then he leans over to him with all his might
as if (telling him to) "Stop playing your guitar and play with me~" and as expected his playing was interrupted...HEY! (laughs)

(Seeing) HYDE feign innocence made me think "If there was a woman like that, she would certainly be really annoying"
Such women... do exist (laughs).

KAZ-san looked a little troubled and laughed...
...its hopeless... he's been completely captivated!!!

Sweet Dreams/Marilyn Manson
This is the song for today's encore. Yes, all members assemble~!

Facilitator DAIGO☆ passed the mike to Anis
A "Hyde-chan is really lovely. Such as the line on your back"

Without a moment's delay HYDE turned from his shoulders to reveal his back to the audience
its-its-its-its-its-its true! It's white and lean!
Like a bride that has sprouted wings... (moved to tears)

H "It seems that you like such a thing (laughs). Anis surely you'll cross-dress too, wouldn't you? There will be a lot of people who will be re-energised again won't there~?"

Heeeeeeeeeehh! Hereafter by all means, please do so!!!!!
Anis is also really suitable for the Samurai-look and looks great.

D "We have a special guest tonight~"
H "Eh~ I diiiidn't know"
D "Shall I call him out?"
H "Is it alright not to call him out~?"
D " (sweats) No (its not alright), I'm calling him out! GACKT-san DEESU!"

You don't say! Even Gacchan is here!!
It's really a get-together of ordinary HYDE fans aint it (laughs)
As soon as he appeared he grabbed and hugged HYDE tightly....
(He held back on nothing and did it freely..)
After enjoying the hug for awhile, he headed to the drum-set... (He's beating the drums!)
And  along with an amazing member, Motley's "Shout at the Devil" (was performed)!!

Shout at the Devil/Motley Crue
A bride gone mad (laughs)
White thread-like mousse? was sprayed out from between his legs... *pyushuuuuuu* (sound effect ^^;)

Then once again he's back to being a deranged bride.
And he teased Anis for a kiss
Anis bent over a little and kissed him (It was a long kiss!)
Isn't someone already a bridegroom? {4}

During the finale they all stood lined-up hand-in-hand and took a bow!
Thank you for everything~!!!

As expected it was a 5.5hours long course. Although it was long, above all I've been with a friend and drinking before the concert started. (laughs)
I felt like I've been screaming non-stop since VAMPS appeared.
HYDE really looked like a girl from far (laughs) It was a night of dreams.
Happy Halloween!!!

Anis = Anis Shimada, the vocalist of MONORAL
Ali = Ali Morizumi, bassist and guitarist of MONORAL

{1} I don't watch horror shows so I have no idea what "The Crow" is about. It seems that perhaps she is refering to Sherry in the movie?

{2} Seems like HYDE wanted to kiss K.A.Z as he had done so at previous lives but the Crow was obstructing him.. as shown in the picture XDDD

{3} Assure: Kind of like, "letting them know" when he does fall over.

{4} I'm thinking it could referring to K.A.Z. since she was wondering if HYDE was cosplaying as K.A.Z's bride in the 2nd line of her report. Well, either that or that HYDE is already someone's bridegroom husband. XDDD

haha.. the first thing I thought of when I read this report is... HYDE kissed Anis (and for a long time too)... Was there a murderous aura somewhere around the stage?

(GacktxHYDE fangirl mode ON!)

Some pictures and reports from "Nightmare of Halloween"



K.A.Z. as Eric from "THE CROW"

[ K.A.Z Blog ] This is for everyone who was wondering what he looked like.

He talked about being worried before the tour started as to whether
he could stand on stage to perform due to his fracture.
He's also happy because he was also able to celebrate his birthday (Oct.11)
with everyone during the tour. Here's a picture of K.A.Z as Eric from the Crow from the 10/31 live.

仙台~札幌~福岡~名古屋~大阪~東京 どの地も思い出巡りしたくなるような素敵な所でした。
この写真は31日のhelloweenで「the crow」の仮装したときの、メイク中のワンショットだよ。


Minna no Raibu Report

There are 2 VAMPS live reports on so-net's [ minnanoraibureport ] (Everyone's Live Report)
There's a [ 2008.10.21 report ] and a "Nightmare of Halloween" Report (below)

[ 2008.10.30、2008.10.31 report ] No new pictures (I was hoping for that XDD )
Nothing new in this report so I'm not going to translate it ^^;

VAMPS/MONORAL/Acid Black Cherry/土屋アンナ/BREAKERZ@ZEPP TOKYO 2008.10.30、2008.10.31
最終更新日時:08/11/02 14:51
ユーザーの評価平均: (0.00点:0人)
登録タグ:音楽 ライブ ライブレポート 東京都 2008年10月30日 2008年10月31日 ゼップ ヴァンプス hyde K.A.Z KAZ モノラル トミー ABC ブレイカーズ DAIGO Tommy heavenly6

30日Tommy heavenly6/Acid Black Cherry


■公演日 2008年10月30日・31日


10月30日、31日に「NIGHTMARE OF HALLOWEEN」と称し、ZEPP TOKYOにてVAMPS主催のハロウィンイベントが開催された。VAMPS、MONORALは両日出演し30日はTommy heavenly6、Acid Black Cherry、31日は土屋アンナ、BREAKERZをゲストで迎えた。会場には思い思いの仮装姿で身を包んだオーディエンス約2700人が集まった。

31日の司会進行はBREAKERZのヴォーカルDAIGOが行い、トリでVAMPSが登場すると会場からは悲鳴のような歓声が上がった。墓場から 死者が生き返ったという設定の元、HYDEは血痕のついたウエディングドレス姿、K.A.Zは烏を肩に乗せて、映画『THE CROW』の主人公の姿で登場し、ハロウィンパーティーを一段と盛り上げた。

31日のアンコールではこの日の出演者と前日に出演したAcid Black Cherryのyasuなどが登場しセッションを行った。ラストにはMCのDAIGOにより、「スペシャルゲストです!Gacktさんーーーー!!」とサ プライズゲストとして軍服姿のGacktが登場!!会場はこのサプライズに大興奮。HYDEとGacktが抱きしめあう場面などもあり、オーディエンスも さらにヒートアップ。

普段から親交のある2人がハロウィンイベントで「サプライズで面白いことをしよう!」という2人の友情で実現した。HYDEがヴォーカル、 K.A.Zがギター、Gacktがドラマーとして、モトリー・クルーの「SHOUT AT THE DEVIL」を演奏した。ヴォーカルになる前はドラマーだったGackt。公でドラムを演奏したのは初めて。HYDEとGacktの2ショットは2003 年に公開された映画「MOON CHILD」以来だ。イベントならではの豪華な顔ぶれでこの日の「NIGHTMARE OF HALLOWEEN」は幕を閉じた。

VAMPSは2009年1月7日に10万人を動員した全国ZEPPツアー「VAMPS LIVE 2008」のLIVE DVDが発売され、春には待望のセカンドシングルがリリースされる。Gacktは2008年12月3日に約1年半振り、28thマキシシングル 「Jesus」が発売。また、12月14日からは43都市52公演の全国ツアー「Gackt Live Tour 2008-2009 Requiem et Reminiscence II ~再生と邂逅~ 」を行う。



●Photo/田中和子 今元秀明






For the next episode of [ WEDNESDAY J-POP ]  that telecasts on 11/12
there will be a live report on VAMP's 10/27 Live  The picture below was taken in their green-room :P


P.s. Price for NINE*NINE @ AmazonJP has risen from ¥17,150 to ¥20,152 ^^;
That's quite a jump

current mood: Sick -_-;

hyde, halloween, la pluie, vamps, live report, gackt
