Gackt Magazines + Ogata Ken + Dears Agreement

Oct 16, 2008 00:20

Gackt Magazines - TVstation + Otona Fami

[ Dears ] [ ]
There's no news of this issue (i.e. December Issue) on the [ オトナファミ ] (Otona Fami) website yet.

10/20 「オトナファミ」(エンターブレイン) (Otona Fami)
10/15 「TVstation」連載(ダイヤモンド社)

Ogata Ken Official Site

"Am I still in this world..
or am I in the next...."

Disclaimer: Please note my Japanese is poor and there will be errors/inaccuracies.
If you spot any errors, please do let me know so I can correct them. ^_^
As such, please do not copy or repost my translations elsewhere without permission. Thank you.

Ogata ken Top Page ] The bottom picture and text is also presented as the latest update to his [ Blog ]



肝癌破裂の予期せぬ急死によって 素晴らしい仕事を与えてくださった方々へ





著書:地球徒歩トボより(Ogata Ken) had laid down in an eternal slumber due to liver cancer at 11.53pm on October 5th, 2008.

Relatives and other related people have also been in a state of confusion and disorder by this extremely sudden news,
thus we extend our heartfelt apologies to everyone for this late notice.

(Ogata Ken) suffered from chronic hepatitis since a while back, and from liver cirrhosis it developed into liver cancer 8 years ago. This had been made known to only his family members, which is what Ogata Ken had strongly wished for.

In that meantime, Ogata Ken possessed the strong determination to conquer this disease by devoting his whole self into his work as an actor while receiving appropriate medical treatments and repeated hospitalizations, and had overcome it.

With his continued volition to his work, he lived on as though he had been without illness to this day. We extend our deepest apologies to everyone who had presented Ogata ken with all the wonderful work and is now experiencing great trouble because of this totally unforeseen and sudden death from a ruptured liver cancer.

As willed by his family, we were allowed to keep vigil on the night of 10/06 and attended the funeral in the form of a private burial on the 7th.

We have received all the care and condolences from everyone, and are deeply grateful for your kindness. We will continue to run the official site "HARAHACHIBUMME" from now on.

Ogata Office

Hundreds of millions of butterflies are in a state of confusion.
Right now, am I still in this world,
or am I in the next world,
or am I somewhere in the middle?
Equinoctial week...

(Extracted from this book)

** Equinoctial Week :

Higan(Equinoctial weeks) [ Link ]
Higan occurs twice a year and each lasts one week, with the Vernal(Equinox Days) and Autumn Equinox Days occurring in the middle of their respective weeks. In Buddhist terms, higan means "the other side of the river crossed by the dead," which means that, while this side is the world of the living, the other side is the world of the dead. In order to comfort the spirits of the ancestors on the other side, people visit graves during higan. By the way, it's generally called "ohigan," with a prefix "o" to make it sound polite.

Change in Terms and Condiions for Dears Only Members.

[ ] As titled. Those who are Dears please take note.

dears_only, gackt, ogata ken, magazines
