Community Site [ Staff Blog - Horseriding ] + Joestu Times + Niigata Nippo

Aug 22, 2008 17:25

-staff blog removed since its already locked :) -

[ Dears ]


tel.025-525-6666An article on Gackt is published in Joetsu Times

An article on Gackt is published in the Kenshin Festival Special Issue inserted in today's 08/22 issue of Joetsu Times.
Please inquire about Joetsu Times below:


Niigata Nippo Article [ Gakuto to go to Naoetsu Port next? ]

[ Niigata Nippo ] might translate this later when I have time ^^';
Please note that my Japanese is very poor and I've just started out.
So there will be errors/inaccuracies. If you spot any do let me know! :D Thank you!



直江津港の活性化を目的に23、24の両日、上越市の佐渡汽船ターミナル広場を主会場に開かれる「直江津港フェスティバル」の担当者が客の入り込みに気を もんでいる。目玉イベントの大型帆船「日本丸」の入港がずれ込み、謙信公祭のメーンイベントでミュージシャンのGackt(ガクト)さんが登場する出陣行 列の日と日程が重なったためだ。思わぬライバルの出現に関係者はPRに懸命だ。







Gakuto to go to Naoetsu Port next (?)**

The people in-charge of "Naoestu Port Festival" - which is held in the main grounds of Joestu City's Sado Steamship Terminal Plaza (Square) on the 23rd and 24th for the purpose of the activiation of Naoetsu Port - are worrying about the visitorship. This is because the the highlight event, the docking of the large sailing vessel "Nipponmaru" is delayed and thus the day and schedule overlaps with the the main event of the Kenshin Festival where musician Gackt will make his appearance in the War Procession. The concerned personnel are struggling with their PR at the emergence of this unexpected rival.

This year will be the 2nd time the festival is held, organized by the said festival's executive committee that comprises of people from the prefecture, Joestu-City and the Joestu Chamber of Commerce. It bustled with a turn-out of about 7,000 people last year.

Nipponmaru was initially supposed to enter the Naoetsu Port on the 22nd, but was delayed due to bad weather and has to dock on the 23rd. Unfortunately it clashes with the opening day of the Kenshin Festival where Gackt makes his appearance.

Gackt appeared as Lord Kenshin in last year's Kenshin Festival as well. Visitorship was quadrupled that of the average year's and set a record of 200,000 people, partially because of the extremely enthusiastic support that was acquired.

With regards to the overlapping of the day the Nipponmaru docks and the day the Big Star makes his appearance, Joestu City's Naoetsu Port Promotion Division, which is responsible for the administrations of the Festival griefed, "It's bad luck.". They added, "Because the Nippon Maru will be opened to the general public on the 24th, we want Gackt to come to Naoetsu Port the following day after his appearance".

Moreover, the festival is scheduled to hold diverse activities like an Angling Rally and the personal experience of riding Motorboats etc.

** Note: I don't think this is a confirmation that he's going but more of a question, hence I added the "?"


staff blogs, community, gackt, kenshin festival
