Eneru Challenge Card + Ecology Gallery

May 28, 2008 00:35

Eneru's Big Adventures: Major Site Renewal

The site added a banner to the [ top page ] indicating that there will be
a "large-scale renewal" on the 1st June. That coincides with the opening day of the Ecology Gallery
I think we can expect a lot of new pictures and articles on the site so do check it out on 06/01 ^_^

so cute!!! hahaha this is the first time its the back-view of Eneru XD
But the font in Eneru's dialogue box is TOO SMALL TO READ! *A*!

NHK's TV programme : Before the opening of Ecology Gallery

[ NHK Yuudoki network ] There is a section "YUUDOKI live broadcasting "
I wonder what it will cover. It will air from 16:50~18:00hours. The opening day will be on 1st June, this coming Sunday.
So those who have this channel on your television network do check it out :)

ゆうどきチェック 「枯れるミズナラは警告する」
ゆうどきライブ 「オープン直前 エコ・ギャラリー」
特集 「サトシとサリーの初舞台」
素顔にあいたい 「16歳の旅の空 ~俳優 早乙女太一さん~」
私の東京画 「花仲間集う路地」

More on the Challenge Card, "Eco Gallery" and its opening day

Please do not copy or re-post my translation elsewhere without permission. Thank you.

Same thing about my Japanese. Please be mindful that there will be errors and inaccuracies
I apologise before-hand for any and please do let me know if you spot any so I may learn. Thank you.
Also big thanks to Rosie for helping me check this before I post it publicly XD
*I'm trying to be very careful so please excuse me if I tend to delay posting about stuff.. or not post at all if I don't think I understand it well*

About the Challenge Proclamation Card

[ Eneru Challenge Card ] (click to see the banner/page since I didn't attach the picture in here)
Eneru will appear as the character on the "1 person 1 day reduce 1kg Co2"*** challenge proclamation
card that will be distributed at the "Eco Gallery". The  "1 person 1 day reduce 1kg Co2" challenge
proclamation card to appeal to everyone to put into practice, global warming prevention activities.

***aka: Each person reduces (emission of) Co2 (carbon dioxide) every day by 1kg
(Note.. I'm sure they will welcome more than 1kg in reduction.. but they put "1kg" probably as a benchmark/guideline for ppl to aim for)

p.s. For those who understand Japanese, and are interested to find out more about this campaign
there's a page >>> 1人1日1kg <<< that is focused on this theme.. and also seems to go into educating
people on how to go about it. Actually, even if you don't understand Japanese the pictures are pretty easy to understand ^___^

  • Taking a shower that's 1 minute faster than usual will reduce co2 emission by 74grams everyday
  • Using an Energy-saving type refridgerator will reduce co2 emission by 132grams every day
  • Positioning your refridgerator further from the wall will reduce co2 emission by 19grams everyday
  • There's many more tips.. from morning till night activities to learn from :D Go check them all out!

Introduction to the Ecology Gallery

The "Eco Gallery" event is a part of the "Toya-ko Lake Summit".
This gallery should be covering the environmental problems, as well as preventive measures.. like the 3Rs etc (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle)
It will be held at the Toya-ko Lake Visitor Centre [ 支笏洞爺国立公園 - 洞爺湖ビジターセンター ] from 06/01 till 08/31
It is located within the [ Shikotsu-Toya National Park ]

For those interested to find out more, or directions to get there.. do check out the [ Ecology Gallery Official Site ]

[ Link to news on the Eco Gallery Event ]

Ecology Gallery Opening Day

I decided to post this after all because there may be people in Japan who might want to attend the opening day
There will be a demonstration on the Challenge card mentioned above, as well as other activities like
Snowball fight and photograph exhibition. The Opening Ceremony is open to general admission from 11:00-12:00hrs

Also thanks to dp for this. This may be of interest to people who want to go down to the Ecology Gallery
She contacted the H20 company for details of the card and got a reply stating
that there are no plans to distribute the card outside the Ecology Gallery.
Also at present, there are no plans to sell Eneru goods at the Ecology Gallery or anywhere else.
But if they ever plan to do so, it will be announced in the homepage.

[ Press notification for the Eco Gallery opening day event ]  [ team-6 site ]


環境省では、G8北海道洞爺湖サミットが開催される洞爺湖地域を訪れる国内外の来訪者に環境問題を普及啓発することを目的として、平成20年6月1日 (日)から8月31日(日)までの間、支笏洞爺国立公園の洞爺湖ビジターセンター敷地内において、仮設の展示施設「エコ・ギャラリー」を開設します。
 また、オープン記念イベントとして、昭和新山国際雪合戦実行委員会との共催により、本物の雪を使用した「エコ・スポーツ雪合戦inエコ・ギャラリー」を 実施するとともに、日本自然科学写真協会(SSP)の協力により作成した「美しい日本の自然」写真パネル60点を展示します。

1.エコ・ギャラリー オープニング式典
エコ・ギャラリー特製「1人1日1kg」CO2削減チャレンジ宣言カードとは    エコ・ギャラリーでは、温暖化防止に向けて一人ひとりの行動実践を呼び掛けており、同ギャラリーにて、「1人1日1kg」チャレンジ宣言をした方を対象 に、エコ・ギャラリー特製のチャレンジ宣言カードを配布することとしております。尚、この特製カードは、アーティストのGacktさんのご協力により同氏 の愛犬エネルをモチーフにしたイラストを採用することとしております。(詳細別添2参照)。 2.エコ・スポーツ雪合戦 in エコ・ギャラリー
地元小学生チームやJICA(国際協力機構)札幌の外国人研修生などのチームによる雪合戦競技 *雪合戦に関するお問い合わせ
昭和新山国際雪合戦実行委員会 壮瞥町字滝之町384-1 そうべつ情報館i2階(壮瞥町役場商工観光室内) Tel 0142-66-2244 Fax 0142-66-2800 Email blacky@taupe.plala.or.jp 3.美しい日本の自然写真展
場所:エコ・ギャラリー企画展示コーナー、洞爺湖ビジターセンター2階内容:自然科学写真協会(SSP)の協力の下、環境省が製作した日本の自然(地形、生態系、動植物等)の美しい写真60点を全国で初めて一斉展示します。展示期間:6月1日(日)~13日(金) ※取材について 上記1のオープニング式典の取材を希望される場合は、以下までFAXにてお申し込みください。北海道地方環境事務所国立公園・保全整備課(宇賀神(うがじん)、宮内)TEL:011-251-8703FAX:011-219-7072申し込みに際しては、所属社名、取材人数、カメラの有無、連絡先(電話番号)を明記してください。  

May 21st in 2008
Toya-ko Lake Visitor Center "Eco Gallery" opens.

The Ministry of the Environment is holding an exhibition, the "Eco Gallery", in the Toya-ko Lake Visitor Center site in the Shikotsu-Toya National Park from Sunday, June 1st 2008 until Sunday, August 31st. Its purpose is to enlighten and spread public awareness on environmental issues to both local and overseas visitors who visit the Toya-ko Lake region where the G8 Hokkaido Toya-ko Lake Summit is held.

A "Eco gallery" opening ceremony will also be conducted with the attendance of the vice Minister for the Environment, Ikuzou Sakurai and other concerned people from 11a.m. on Sunday June 1st, the first day of opening.

Furthermore, a demonstration on the Eco gallery's special "1 day for 1 person, 1kg" CO2 reduction challenge proclamation card will also be performed during the opening ceremony.

As part of the commemorative opening event, a "Eco Sports Snowball fight in (the) Eco Gallery" will be put into effect with real snow in joint sponsorship with Showa-shinzan International snowball fight [ link ] executive committee, and a 60 picture panel exhibition, "Japan's beautiful nature" in collaboration with the Japanese SOCIETY OF SCIENTIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY (SSP) [ link ] will also be displayed.

1. Ecology gallery Opening ceremony
Time: 11:00-12:00 (general admission from 11:30hours) Place:Within the Toya-ko Lake Visitor Center premises
The contents: Greeting of opening (vice Minister of Environment Sakurai and guests, etc.)
Ribbon cutting
Performance of an environment picture-card show
"1 kilogram a day for 1 person" CO2 reduction challenge proclamation card demonstration

The Eco Gallery's special "1 person 1 day 1 kg" CO2 reduction challenge proclamation card is aimed at appealing for individuals to practice global warming prevention habits. The said gallery will be distributing a special challenge proclamation card targeted for people proclaiming to take up the "1 person 1 day 1 kg" challenge. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Artiste Gackt, this special card is adopted from the illustration of Gackt's pet dog Eneru as its motif.
2. Ecology sports snowball fight in Ecology Gallery
Time: 13:00-15:00 Place: Eco Gallery south-side Lawn Square (within the Toya-ko Lake Visitor Center premises) Gist:When the global warming increases and snow is getting rare, you can't even have snowball fights anymore, a sport familiar to children. Holding a snowball fight using real snow is an opportunity to bring the issues of global warming down to a more personal level.
The contents:(lazy to do this..)
3. Japan's Beautiful Nature Photograph Exhibition
Place: The Eco Gallery Project Exhibition corner, 2nd floor of the Toya-ko Lake Visitor Center The contents:Under the collaboration of  the Japanese SOCIETY OF SCIENTIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY (SSP), the Ministry of the Environment produced an exhibition that will display 60 beautiful pictures of Japan's Nature (the topography, ecosystem and animals and plants, etc.) simultaneously for the first time nationwide. Exhibition period: Sunday, June 1st - Friday, June 13th p.s. Please note sometimes I will write "Eco Gallery" and sometimes its "Ecology Gallery"
EIther way they both refer to the same thing. hahaha. I get lazy at times :p

There is a link to an [ attached pdf file ] for more details on the Eco Challenge Card.

For those who can't understand the underside of the card... you're supposed to fill it in as such:

I, ____________ as a member of Team Minus 6%

Reduce (emission) by ___.____ kg each day
Team Member No. __________________

current mood: Thankful

eneru, gackt, big adventures
