X-Mas Wish list Revised

Dec 28, 2005 19:00

I redid my Christmas Wish list. Here you go:

1. Me/Dean fic (My name is Natasha, if you haven't learned already :P )
2. SN banner for my LJ or Max/Alec banner for my LJ
3. A year of paid account time (iconses....)
4. Recs to some good Ginny/Draco or Hermione/Draco with Harry/Luna featured. Hell, you could even write me one?
5. And while I'm back on fic: Tom/Ginny fun fic?
6. A pretty picture/manip thing of something for the pixielights frontpage. Like my current Jensen one only without the SN link.
7. Some nice desktop wallpaper (SN, M/A)
8. Fic plot bunnies and challenges (preferably SN)
9. Sam and Dean happy fun fic. I don't care when it takes place, but I want Sam to get the girl (be it the second grader with a crush or the terminally ill girl plagued by the incubus. Don't care.)... although if you do the second grader with a crush, she should have a brash little friend who likes Dean (or the shy one can like Dean. I just want 'aww cute, the little girls have a crush on our strapping heroes')
10. Wallpaper. Carly Pope as Chase and Dean.


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