Dec 10, 2001 07:00
**it's been way toooooooo long since the last time i wrote in here. but i hafta stay home from school today to take care of a house full of sick ppl & clean so here's a quick opportunity for me to do it.
** usual lots of stuff has happened. me & george are good *smiles* i don't hate e.w. as much as i did before so we're on good terms. school is almost out!!!!!!!!! i'm stressing a lot over all of the shit i'm gonna have to do for mrs. bonjione's class (classical literature). we have to make mobiles & placemats & greek outfits & i have to bake a shitload of these cookies called florentines and the look really hard. all that stuff determines my grade for that class!
**i hate ECE and i'm trying my hardest to get out of it. mrs. rogers is a big giant bitch and kyle isn't even in headstart @ seminole anymore so it's pointless to go over there! i need out cuz it's the only class i had an 'F' in and it was bringing my GPA down. All of my other classes are ok i guess. i don't enjoy going to them, but at least i'm making good grades.
**i really need to get my x-mas shopping done!!!!!!! i'm being all anal about it. so far i have chloe's present & a small one for amber. i'm gonna get amby something else but i think i'm gonna get something for chloe too cuz she's been so stressed out lately and having so much shit thrown at her that i think she deserves it. and i still hafta buy for george but like everything i want to get him is kind of expensive and me being poor.......BLAH!!!!!!! my mom said she'd give me a little bit of money to buy for him if i needed to.
**i'm going up to PA for x-mas!!! my feelings on that are mixed.....i like going up there but when all of my family gathers together it's like hell's fury unleashed. i'm predicting that there will be one argument about kurt's binge drinking and drug abuse & at least one about "how we all criticize uncle mark cuz he's gay." fuck that. i don't really like my uncle mark that much, but not cuz he's gay. cuz he's a superficial, shallow, bastard! all that matters is looks, money & cars to him. like he has a right to talk, his face is paid for & most of the money he spends comes from uncle joe (his b.f.) fuck that. if he weren't so vain, maybe i'd like him a little more. oh....i'm also not looking forward to having him criticize the way i dress or the shoes i wear or how fat i am.....he can die!!!!!
**we're leaving the 22nd and not coming back until the 4 of january. that means i have no time at all with my friends over the break and no time for george. so far, we've only spent like a day & a half apart. that's gonna be pretty weird. i'm afraid i'll get back & then things will be different. but...i'm gonna try my hardest to keep in touch w/ him by getting a phone card so i can call him & by e-mailing him (hopefully he'll remember to check it). well..i think that's long enough for now............see ya later