Oct 29, 2001 15:14
yeah i fucking got fired......i think.......i don't care though....having a job sucked anyways and i'm sooooo happy right now not to have to worry about working on top of school & my friends & family and everything.....i want money to finally get a car but i can wait! i can wait til like after x-mas cuz we're going up to PA to see everyone cuz my grandparents are too old to make it down here.
*****i spent the night @ amby's w/ chloe & anthony and carl on saturday. we had fun drinking doc otis in the hot tub but after my buzz was gone i fell asleep pretty early cuz i was tired.
*****and i spent lots of time w/ george this weekend. like yesterday we were in chris's sister's room away from all of the boys in chris's room for a really long time and it was sooooo awesome. we talked & laughed and then there would be silence but it was a good silence. then we'd talk & laugh all over again. i told him lots of stuff that i never thought i could tell a boy. i talked about e.w. & he talked about kelly & it was funny cuz we both hated the same exact things about our last realtionships. and he told me that he loves me and that kinda freaked me out cuz no one has ever said that and meant it. and i told him that i can't say it back and he says he's okay w/ that cuz he knows it seems like it's out of the blue but he really does mean it. i dunno....i really do like george cuz he's so different and it scares me but i think one day and maybe even really soon i could tell him i love him too. but for now "i lurv him" cuz that's really close to it.
*****yeah.......shane doesn't bother me soo much we get along...and jason is still making fun of my "sexy pictures" w/ the feather boa...and logan wants to bang my sister. chris got fired the same day as me for not going into work.....kira quit..sophia quit. working sucks! i'm over it! i'm sooo stress free & happy right now! so it's good that i slept in late & got fired. i want a picture of george for my wallet! i moved dub's picture to the back and cleared a space for george already! *yay* for the first time ever i've found someone decent that i'm not afraid is intentionally trying to fuck me over. it's great. it took a long time but it finally happened! i guess i won't be riding my donkey of into the mountains to become a nun after all!
**********AMBER IS A PIMP********** and chloe is going to kick her and i will too!!!! LOL :p