Spring Fever

May 19, 2009 12:12

Sorry that I've dropped off the face of the earth!  I've basically fallen into some sort of crafting madness.  I'm afraid to look at what I've recently spent on yarn and miscellaneous crafting supplies as I travelled all over the DFW complex trying to find new and better stores.  One pleasant surprise was the yarn shop The Woolie Ewe in Plano.  I'd had my doubts, but the selection was awesome and not nearly as bitchy as some of the stores I've been to in the past.  I also went down to Yarn Heaven in Arlington because I needed yarn, dammit, and it was the only place that was open.  The store was also great, but in a totally different way.  Very eclectic and filled with plucky spirit!  I came away with some awesome raffia yarn and a pattern to make a helmet shield (sort of like a ski mask) for soldiers that are shipping out to Afganistan in a couple weeks.  I need to get on that because it's probably only a week out now.

On top of all of that, I completed another bag on Sunday night:

I had a serious fever to get it done as fast as possible and it looks pretty cool.  There was some teeth gnashing with the part that goes over the handle, but it eventually came together.  Now I just have to line it with fabric, which is a challenge, what with the gathers in the body of the purse and everything.  I knew I should've studied harder in Geometry!

latech and I went to the Dallas Etsy "Spring Fling" event to support our fellow crafters and to do a little shopping.  She picked up some awesome button rings and I found a couple things for myself.  We were there early enough to get the swag bags and realized that we have to arrive early at all events because there was some good stuff in there!  I think we might be getting closer to committing to the next show, so yay!

I had an awesome birthday weekend back on the 9th and 10th!  It kicked off with a trip to the Taste Addison event where the Old 97's were playing.  I got there late and they only had a few songs left in the set, but it was so cool seeing them live in Texas!  Then the next day latech took me out to dinner at Hibiscus which was amazing.  The food was so good that I wanted to start all over again even though I was so full I could barely walk out.  Totally going back.  Sunday was more chill but it was full of good things, including a relaxation massage, dim sum and Star Trek in IMAX.  There are no words for how much I loved the Star Trek movie.  It was pitch perfect and even though I loved the original series, I'm totally cool with this movie too.  There's room for both in my heart!  Run, don't walk!  I also saw Angels and Demons (yesterday) and thought it was really good.  A wonderful summer thriller!

The birthday love continued as I was showered with love from far and wide by a card from mickfish  (so naughty!), birthday wishes from lexzilla (thank you!!) and flowers from my work (and they never send flowers unless you're dead or someone else is).  It was a good time and I think this might be the best birthday I've had in years!  Here's to a wonderful year for everyone!

shopping, year of me strikes back, etsy, crafty

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