Oct 24, 2005 07:24
i went out with brandi on friday night. we didnt do much. went to the mall, then to another store. then we went to the bowling alley to see jon and jacob. but jacob wasnt there. then to jons. where neither jacob or nikki were! sadness. my dress that i wanted at macy's for prom is gone! sadness there too.
saturday night i babysat. from 915 to 12. how weird of a time is that? at night! didnt do anything sunday cuz tyson told me he wants me to drive the car as little as possible.
umm... that's about it. nothing new to report. i cant seem to get onto myspace from the school computers anymore. i mean, its easy to get past the forbidden part. except when i go to sign in now it tells me that my page is forbidden by rating check. that blows. so now im gonna have to start going to the library. gotta go.