Doctor Who and Parks and Rec: When Fadoms collide inside my head

Apr 14, 2011 09:14

My mind is such a hodgpodge of pop culture that sometimes different fandoms collide -

Last night I had one of those dreams that you want to hold onto. You wake up and think I have to write this down, because in an hour or so it won’t be as clear in my head. Then of course by the end of the day it will be just a faded picture in my head.

My dream involved two fandoms - Doctor Who and Parks and Recreation. In my made up world there was the doctor (Eleven, Matt Smith version) and Leslie Knope (Amy Pohler) as his companion. They weren’t in the TARDIS though. They had set up shop on Earth as lawyers, but it was only a front. They never actually did any type of lawyer work. They were with a firm and there was this other employee that would occasionally catch them running off to fight or investigate some alien life and he would question the doctor about it. The doctor would unsuccessfully come up with some excuse and this co-worker would yell out, “One day I’ll find out what you two are really up too.”

I also have to mention that Will Arnett worked there as well, but he knew what was going on with Eleven and Leslie. He sort had their back. He wasn’t a companion, but he helped them out with their alien mysteries. I suppose his character was like Mickey in Series 1 and 2 of DW. Near the end of my dream it was revealed that he was part fish and could breathe underwater … this came in handy when Leslie was kidnapped by an alien and taken to the bottom of the sea.

And that … is about as much as I remember. Now someone go write me a pilot for that TV Show.

doctor who, dreams, parks and recreation

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