I didn't begin to watch 'Lost' until the very end (Season 5) and don't judge, but I felt there was no need to go back to the beginning and start from there. Everyone always talked about how 'Lost' was so difficult to follow, so I figured why should I do this and become even more confused when I already was. Instead I stayed around for the suspense and the pretty. Mainly Sawyer (Josh Holloway) and since I didn't get to experience the ship of the Kate/Sawyer from earlier seasons, I fell head long into the Juliet/Sawyer ship. I loooved them and cried my eyes when (spoilers) she died in his arms.
So, I suppose my attraction to Josh is connected to my attraction to Sawyer. I find it hard to separate my actors from their characters. *cough* Jackson Rathbone and Jasper *cough*.